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Gen Byrnes
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Gen Byrnes

"a man in military uniform speaking into a microphone"

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Comments for: Gen Byrnes
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Date: August 12, 2005 12:50AM

Pentagon: Did Neo-Cons Get Gen Byrnes Fired?

(Aug 10, 2005) The sudden resignation of TRADOC Commander, Gen. Kevin P. Byrnes -- there's much more to this story than a "sexual indiscretion."

The sudden firing of U.S. Army Training and Doctrine (TRADOC) Commander, four star General and New York City native Kevin P. Byrnes, one of only 11 four star generals in the Army, has much more to do with a policy dispute than an anonymous Pentagon-reported story about an alleged "extra-marital affair."

Although Byrnes has recently been involved in divorce proceedings, Pentagon insiders report that Byrnes was fired for insubordination. Byrnes' firing fits a pattern of neocon demonizing of policy opponents by tossing out unsubstantiated charges from "anonymous source."

For example, when Brig. Gen. Janis Karpinski was demoted to Colonel over trumped up charges over her role as commander of Iraqi prisons during the time of the prisoner abuse (and after she revealed the presence of Israeli interrogators in Iraqi prisons), the Pentagon spin machine, joined at the hips with neo-con think thanks and media outlets in Washington, cited a dated and totally unsubstantiated shoplifting accusation against her.
Army Chief of Staff Gen. Peter Schoomaker, who Donald Rumsfeld hauled out of retirement to head up the Army after Gen. Eric Shinseki was fired and after no other active duty general wanted the job, relieved Byrnes of his command at Fort Monroe, Virginia.

Byrnes had previous run-ins with the neo-cons in the Pentagon.

In 2002, Byrnes was faced with being retired at Lt. Gen. after he clashed with then-Rumsfeld aide Stephen Cambone over proposed troop strength cuts.

Then Army Secretary Thomas White, intervened on behalf of Byrnes and he received his fourth star. White was later fired by the Pentagon neo-cons.

What has not been reported is that recently, one of Byrnes' subordinate commands, Fort Rucker in Alabama, had been told to stand by for an influx of 50,000 military trainees -- a level the base has not seen since the Vietnam War.

Byrnes' relief of command came on the heels of the Pentagon announcing that it might permit Spanish-language entrance examinations.

Byrnes, who was in charge of Army training, would not only face recruits with lower education levels and past criminal records, but a lack of proficiency in English.

Pentagon insiders report that it was Byrnes' policy disagreements with the Pentagon neo-cons over the new recruitment policies and the potential for calling up Army retirees and reinstating military conscription without adequate TRADOC funding that resulted in his firing.

The personal misconduct charges were concocted by the Pentagon to cover up the fact that there are serious disagreements with Bush and Rumsfeld among the flag officer ranks in the military.

Four star General Kevin Byrnes was fired for arguing with the Rumsfeld neo-con clique in the Pentagon

Byrnes was also associated with a group of officers who spent time at the U.S. Army War College at Carlisle Barracks in Pennsylvania.

The Army War College has been a center of opposition to the war in Iraq and it is believed that Byrnes was recognized by the neo-cons as one of the unofficial leaders of a group of Army flag rank opponents of Bush's war in Iraq and potential military action against Iran.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 05:11AM

fuck him and the others...
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 02:16PM

Used the word "neo-con" too many times in that article.
duffy Report This Comment
Date: August 12, 2005 06:18PM

well the author was going to use the term "selfcentered fascistic wealthy elite corporatist elite that have usurped democracy, destroyed the environment, wage class warfare, manipulated the narctic trade, pushed petroleum as an addictive drug, bankrupted third world countries and war profiteered"... but the editor informed the author that that was a little bit long especially repeatedly. So they settled on NeoCons. The other choice was assholes, but that was too general and fit most of the American and French population.
SanityOverrated Report This Comment
Date: August 17, 2005 01:48PM

The irony is just too much. The Army is facing critical shortages in manpower, and the administration is firing the Army's officer corps at an increasingly accelerating rate. No wonder they have to hire contractors to administer the war effort. Next they'll have a VP of KBR running TRADOC. The real shame is that smearing the administration members that are responsible for this irresponsibly run war seems to be as elusive a feat as defining the Bush administration's post war strategy in Iraq. I've managed to nail it down though. The post war strategy, as communicated to me by an anonymous White House source, is: "We're gonna find those f**kers and kill 'em! Just kill 'em." Now if we could only get them to articulate their exit strategy as eloquently. This is SanityOverrated reporting to you live from my living room, in whitebread suburbia. You can question my patriotism (you undoubtedly will, if you're a fan of the current administration), but I leave you with this bumper sticker quote, which I hold near and dear to my heart: "I love my country; I fear my government."
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 21, 2005 11:14AM

Your name says it all.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 27, 2005 09:08PM

It is simple - we are losing all our 4-star generals under the is clear that they are speaking up for what they know and beleive iswrong doings. The SecDef flexes his muscle and reitres's so sad!

yep...I'm an green suiter!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: October 14, 2005 05:27AM

Byrnes is an ass