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Bush admin pays another propagandist with taxpayer money !
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Bush admin pays another propagandist with taxpayer money !

"a woman in a black dress"

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Comments for: Bush admin pays another propagandist with taxpayer money !
Karl_and_George Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 12:51AM

A great lady, and smart too. Tells it like it is, even if you don't want to hear it..Love to hear her talk..Keep it up Ann, the pen is mightier than than their weiners..
duane Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 01:27AM

Exellent book I read over half of it then my son took it to college and has had it since then,gotta get it back.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 02:59AM

Don't you just love it when Democrats attempt speech..being mentally deficient they have to stick to a few key words that they have no clue as to what they mean but sound like they might actually mean "nazi". Ever met a Democrat who had any idea of what a "nazi" was? Didn't think so.

Just childish namecalling by childish people who can't actually articulate a thought. Which also accounts for the fact that so many of them have no recourse but to support themselves as "public servants" although they sure don't act like I expect servants to.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 03:08AM

This is one smart woman. Michelle Malkin is another contender...I'd vote for those two over that dumb crack Hillary any day!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 05:36AM

I guess the caption was too hard to read ? Does Armstrong Williams ring a bell ? Add Ann Coulter to the list.


Who's a democrat bitch ? Pointing out behavior similar to Nazi Germany is not name calling. It's called insight. But you wouldn't know anything about that.

Trying to play the holier than thou game is weak when you do the same thing.
Date: September 14, 2005 12:15PM

ann coulter
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 02:13PM

I know what a Nazi's someone in Germany in the 1930's that G.W. Bush's grandfather sold machine parts so they could make gas chambers to kill millions of people. Now what do I win?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 02:47PM

Now by machine parts you mean the ones that go inside the chamber or the ones that go outside the chamber ?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 07:38PM

"Pointing out behavior similar to Nazi Germany is not name calling. It's called insight. But you wouldn't know anything about that."

Be specific. Rounding up Jews for extermination? Rounding up gypsies, homosexuals and mentally retarded people for extermination? Promoting a pure "Aryan Race"? Conducting medical experiments on prisoners? What SPECIFIC Nazi policy are you stating that members of the ruling party in America are promulgating?

Republicans are America's Nazis? EXACTLY how?

When are they coming after you? Who can we call to turn you in? Do we get a reward?

This could be fun.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 07:38PM

You win a one way ticket to any country you would be happy in, please leave now, because those of us on the right want you to be happy, because we are :-)
Think about how many truly happy liberals you know..what a miserable way to go through life,and be connected to a dyeing party. It's not too late to change, there is always room under Republican tent even for the fallen and misguided..
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 09:20PM

There's a typo on the cover, it's supposed to be "TRADER".
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2005 11:29PM

Americans. /me shakes his head in despair.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 12:38AM

Hey DC, give us a link to info that establishes Ms. Coulter is accepting Administration money to pump their party line. Thanks.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 02:07AM


Being a Nazi meant leaders were selling group think to the masses to keep them in line. Hmmmm.... the same shit the Bush administration does now.

Being a Nazi means passing laws to create a police state where your freedom could be taken in a moments notice and no one would ever know.

Hmmm... Patriot act.

They aren't coming for me. That is for sure.


You net geeks are hilarious. The day they invent links to files in my office, let me know.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 01:57PM

"They aren't coming for me. That is for sure."

Ok, then, exactly what is your beef? For some one who is always so riled up and twisted with hatred of the Republican Party to then say that you are not worried is perplexing. It seems like hating Republicans is more of a hobby than anything.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 05:23PM


Just because I am safe from retribution does not mean other can't suffer from the ill effects of Bush and his administration.

I combat the current administrations ideology every day. And slowly but surely, just like Hitler, the ideolgy of the Bush administration will be defeated.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2005 08:30PM

"I combat the current administrations ideology every day. And slowly but surely, just like Hitler, the ideolgy of the Bush administration will be defeated."

I sure hope that you are not combatting it on taxpayer's dollars...surfing the net on your government worker time.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 12:06AM

Just because I am safe from retribution does not mean other can't suffer from the ill effects of Bush and his administration.
Beast: Get your own head screwed on straight before you start worrying about others..
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2005 01:02AM

- aDCBeast@68212 said :
- John_Stone
- You net geeks are hilarious. The day they invent
- links to files in my office, let me know.

This doesn't prove your allegation, you know.
Perhaps you'd be willing to PDF something in your files and post it.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2005 01:38AM


Who is surfing on government time ? Nice try geek.


Who is here to prove shit?

You should know that asking for evidence in this virtual place does not disprove my point. that is a fallacy. right ? argument from ignorance ? Look it up.

The fact is I present evidence where it needs to be presented. The REAL world. not this hole.

I use you all to see if anyone wants to accept the truth. Most people here think the US found WMDs in Iraq despite testimony before congress by US weapons inspectors to the contrary. Why ? The news. On ALL channels. CNN is just as bad as FOX. Very few know the truth so they report the falsehoods given by this and past administrations.

The media has become a pr tool to fool the masses. Deliberate deception. They have become the new voice of america (VOA).

Try this one on for size.

Why do you believe Usama Bin Laden has a direct hand in planning and execution of 9/11 ? Atta was the mastermind of 9/11. He secured the money, personnel, and training. That is widely known. Atta's group was a distinct terrorist cell with many degrees of seperation between Bin Laden.

Doesn't it make sense that Bin Laden had nothing to do with 9/11 other than urging people to get fed up with US imperialism to act on it in retaliation for western aggression?

99% want to believe TV without evidence from anywhere that Bin Laden is some grand leader of an worldwide group. It has not been proven but people need to believe it to survive. Just like the german people needed to hate the jews and revel in nationalism.