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The Real Dr. Evil
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The Real Dr. Evil

"a man sitting on a chair with a man in his hand"

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Comments for: The Real Dr. Evil
wonphatho Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2004 02:36PM

Its funny how life can sometimes imitate art.....
tigre escondido Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2004 03:12PM

THe real is funniest than fiction....
Frederick Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2004 10:02PM

That's not very funny. What's strange is that Clinton, the draft dodger who was in Vietnam demonstrated weapons, was voted this very distinguished war hero by the same people who are making a big deald of "Mini Me's" war record.

What is quite sad, is that Hilly-Billy bastard Clinton never even knew his real daddy. I guess this could explain why they have always made the word bastard out to be such bad thing. They dealt with a Clinton, there is no smoke without fire. Shit eating trailer trash dog!
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: September 23, 2004 11:20PM

freddy....not trying to trash you but you tend to rant aimlessly and lash out at anyone without the same views as fail to understand that politics is just the redistribution of republican years the rich get richer and the poor get poorer...there has not been a time in the U.S since the "great depression" that the difference in what the poor make and what the rich make has been so great....the second most powerful country in the world went belly up and it was bad for the world economy....hopefully we're not headed in that direction too....what would the world do when two super-powers who hold the majority of nuclear weapons in the world go defunct?
wonphatho Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2004 01:09AM

Yea, what he said!!!
wonphatho Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2004 03:08AM

I just thought the goddamn picture was funny.....
Frederick Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2004 04:04AM

Yes it's appropriate I guess. You can have none called Bill Blamemy and Clinton. Different name same bastard.

I can really laugh about it, after he wins. Now that is going to be a har har and a half!
ho\'sbro Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2004 09:31AM

just wanna enlighten you on the nature of politics.....the cat aint in the bag yet....this year if there is a dead heat at voting time nader stands to gain either a shitload of money or favors in his swaying his 2 to 4% of voters....why would nader continue to get into elections when everyone knows he has no chance unless the rep and dem both completely f'up?
Frederick Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2004 03:46PM

You have a point about Nader. I am not voting for him, but I have said in the past I think I will definently donate some appreciation money to his campaign.

As for the rest of what you said...well you did share your feelings & opinion. You should be prepared if others do not think it's as informed or accute as you do.
yogo Report This Comment
Date: September 24, 2004 11:53PM

Hey Frederick - you should try getting a blow job in the oval office and CHILL!!! We have to switch from the donkey to the elephant every few years - our forefathers knew this - hence the "term limits" - other wise the poor would catch up to the rich and then we might all be humble and thankful for the great country we have. Then what would we do at election time if everyone but the 15% who are filthy rich were happy. There goes the plumbiting divorce rate - good bye lawyers, there goes the crime rate - good bye police, firefighters, judges... GET MY DRIFT!!!
Frederick Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2004 08:29PM

Not really pal. I agree we should swith from the ass to the elephant, I think it would have been just great if one a single Democrat one in 94 or 96 including for the oval office. Then if people were so disatisfied with all the reservals they did (besides the whinning 2% or so on the tit not including wetbacks) then we could go back to the way things were. This is why Newt proposed Term Limits, and the democrats voted it down. Congress does not have them. As for the lawyers they are heavily bulked up, writing and enfourcing the 8,000 laws that must be written for everyone passed by Congress. Get rid of the Democrats you lose the useless attorneys. And we can work on enforcing the existing laws we have now instead of adding so many useless new ones. Good bye high crime rate indeed.
Frederick Report This Comment
Date: September 25, 2004 08:36PM

I would say these useless attorneys and bureaucrats are on welfare more then anyone else. Instead of worrying about "corporate welfare" where corporpations at least produce something. We should be more the welfare given to the employees and these useless bureaucracies and what it does to your insurence rates whenever some dirtbag is awarded 10 million dollars for spilling coffee on their lap because they are too fat to hold it while they drive.
snowyxtacy Report This Comment
Date: October 15, 2004 10:22PM

awww fuck that. who the fuck cares about that whiny ass, cant do shit right, cant answer a question w/a straight answer, send our people into iraq to get killed for no other reason than he had a personal vendeta against someone that his daddy couldnt deal w/in the first place, loser president. he shouldve never been elected in the first place. then again if his brother wasnt govenor of florida, home of the largest bunch of morons who cant count, he wouldnt have been. america cannot afford to have him as pres for another 4 years. look what hes done to our country since hes been in office....whats this coountry gonna be like in another 4 if hes still here. wake up people.....bush is not right for this country. if he wins again, we're all fucked. and not just us...the other countries too. just think who hes gonna claim has mass destruction weapons & decide to bomb then.....even though he knows damn well theres nothin there but his little things so far up his ass he cant get it out. VOTE KERRY!!!! if not then your just as big a loser as bush.
Alan Robinson Report This Comment
Date: October 26, 2004 02:00PM

You may be laughing now...
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2005 11:13AM

No matter who you vote for (Republican/Democrat) the cops are still there to bust your ass for something stupid. Nothing real changes in America... the empire continues to grow under Dem or Rep. Any sort of fighting between the two is useless and a major distraction from the real issues - such as poverty, homelessness, and major environmental destruction. We doomed, yo. The seas are actually factually rising, and we are arguing "demoblican" vs. "republicrat"? heh. Larger issues are afoot.