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Forgery for fun

"a close-up of a certificate"

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Comments for: Forgery for fun
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 03:06PM

forgery for fun...
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 03:15PM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 03:21PM

i dare someone to defend this document as real. (*binladen*)
Onyma Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 03:26PM

Oh give it a break people, do you 'birthers' not grasp just how obsessively insane you are? Next you'll want a video of the birth and if it was produced you'll complain it's all grainy and not in High Def 3D. Good lord, politics in the US is like arguing four year old children. "Did too, did not, did too, did not". It's become standard to question all known facts, of course we didn't land on the moon and soon the earth will be flat again in the US.

Stop and look at the real problems your country and the world are facing. Your economy has been plummeting like a stone for 20 years and you're at most four years away from losing the world economic dominance you have enjoyed since 1890. You're fighting several wars you can't afford with no viable exit strategy. Your position on the world stage and global opinion is at an all time low. Still everyone is focused on a piece of paper because you're petty enough to believe that only a 'good ol' Christian white boy' should be running the country. You have your proof you asked for, now grow up and move on.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 03:34PM

so you have proof that it is real? or are you blindly following again?
Onyma Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 03:44PM

Even Donald Trump, your new ring-leader, has accepted it and said it's time to move on to real issues. At this point you're more obsessive than Donald Trump. There is such a thing as intelligent consideration of facts, and then there is the understanding of when something has been settled. You asked for the long birth certificate, you got it, and now you question what you asked for. At this point I think the 'blindly following' might be self-descriptive. On this topic you're four years old, you ask for proof but there is nothing that will make you happy because you don't want to accept you were wrong. Just like an arguing four year old. Have fun.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 27/04/2011 03:47PM by Onyma.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 03:46PM

there's also the pulling of your leg going on. smiling bouncing smiley

sucker!! smiling bouncing smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 27/04/2011 03:46PM by fossil_digger.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 03:48PM

exposing people sure is fun. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 03:54PM

anyone else wanna play? smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 04:01PM

c'mon Toad, i know you have a "brilliant" comment brewing in the peanut of a brain. smiling bouncing smiley
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 04:06PM

I believe nothing.
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 04:22PM

The non-issue obviously has its basis in racial prejudice and bigotry. Get over it. All Trump the Chump has done is make a fool of himself in public.

No F_D, I am not a liberal or a conservative so don't bother harping on that crap with me. I think for myself and if it looks like shit and smells like shit I don't step in it. Right wing and left wing are two parts of the same bird of prey.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 04:25PM

o.k. we have 1 person that thinks for himself.....any more?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 07:09PM

wait a fuckin' minute here...did Blah toss the race card? damn son, sounds like you are starting to believe liberal double talk. next you'll be defending unions. smiling bouncing smiley
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 07:11PM

The intentional and costly obfuscation of Obozos birth, passport and educational records, hardly seems rational and would seemingly leave anyone with a rational mind to wonder for what reason?

If I'm required to produce my birth certificate and in refusing to do so wind up with legal fees totalling above a million bucks instead, most anyone would see that as at the very least suspicious, with most folks feeling that my doing so would seem to point to there being something I obviously must want to hide. When Obozo does it no one seems to point out the same lunacy, nor the all to obvious suspiciousness about there being something worth over a mil to Obozo to keep outta the public domain that justifies that type of cash outlay. I find this quite curious.

It's however not at all curious in finding the lackeys in the press and his administration using the shop worn tactics of derogatory terms, claims of racism, attacks on peoples intellectual capacities etc. regarding any who choose to use their powers of logic in looking at this whole debacle and finding it worthy of scrutiny.

Those so in love with Obozo will never even give pause to why it took nearly 3 yrs for him to get around to presenting another version of another "Certificate of Live Birth", nor will they doubt his logic in having spent over a mil of his own money in preventing this from being released, and yes Virginia, they'll still proudly spout "racist, racist, racist!" as their battle cry for any who do eye
rolling smiley

pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 08:22PM

fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 08:27PM

is producing a fake birth certificate grounds for impeachment?
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 08:43PM

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 08:49PM

You can call what you like F_D. That changes nothing for me, however you might want to save your pigeon-holing rhetoric for someone who gives an actual shit. I was only stating the obvious.

Beat that horse, Fossil, beat that horse! <snore>
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 08:50PM

took a long time for you to come out of the closet. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 09:22PM

poor Blah. sniff sniff. smiling bouncing smiley
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 09:33PM

What closet? I am free to express my opinions too. So what? Or is everything political in cut and dry divisions for you?

"If you believe this than you must believe in that and that and that too."

I don't feel obliged to allow myself to be herded into one flock of sheep or another.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 09:41PM

but i hearded you right into the coral and shaved ya bald. it's o.k. B, you weren't the first. smiling bouncing smiley

and yes you are free to express your thoughts (i want you to more than you can imagine smiling bouncing smiley ), please do so more often, this has been a hoot. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 10:15PM

sheepskin lined leather jacket for smiling bouncing smiley
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 10:47PM

You're a legend in your own mind fossil. confused smiley
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 10:52PM

fossil you remind of charlie sheen...
Hint: you are not winning just because you say that you are.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 10:57PM

funny how people change the subject when they get their dicks handed to them. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 11:20PM

c'mon all you Hawaiian birth certificate experts, tell me some more bullshit. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 11:44PM

you fools will never learn. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 27, 2011 11:53PM

whassamatter boys? sheep got your tongues? smiling bouncing smiley

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 27/04/2011 11:53PM by fossil_digger.
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 11:14AM

If it is legitimate just ask yourself why did he take so long to produce it? The CIA can forge any document they need to quite easily and flawless. I am surprised it took this long to do it. I can find people who forge passports in 2 hours and it took him this long to obtain a supposed legit copy of his birth record.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 11:49AM

If it hadn't taken so long to be shown I would have considered it a non issue but I too have to wonder why all the stalling took place - that's what makes this so suspicious. Where was the transparency?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 28/04/2011 11:50AM by quasi.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 12:22PM

but Barry never lies handjob
and his administration is transparent. handjob
and Repugnants are racists, handjob
since Bush did it, it's o.k. for Barry to do it also. handjob
the people refuse to see the potential and greatness of socialism handjob

feel free to add a few hundred more
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 12:58PM

I don't know what the rules are in the USA, but surely somebody other than the person concerned can request what is stored by the Honolulu records department. Surely somebody has actually looked at the records, rather than waiting for this document to be released to the media. Even if the rules are that only the person concerned can legally request what is on record, there must be somebody in the records department (whether an opponent looking to prove non-existence, or a supporter looking to prove it does exist) who would have checked and said whether there was a record of birth there or not. Both sides need to get past this and concentrate on the issues that really matter. (*horse*)
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 01:09PM

the main issue he a citizen or not.. period. if he is, then why hasn't he done everything he can possibly do to disprove it? this is not proof nor is it any form of an attempt to disprove. plain and simple smoke and mirrors bullshit from the liberal cork soakers thumbing their noses at the moral majority.

now Blah, rationalize some more bullshit for me i need a good laugh to start off the day. (*butt*)
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 01:38PM

call me a racist again, that was fuckin' hilarious! smiling bouncing smiley
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 02:36PM

GAK, each state has their own policies on records such as this. Per an article I read Hawaii laws do not allow even the person named on the birth record to physically see the original document but they can ask for copies of it, which Obozo did, then presented to the media.

While I am sure this sounds like more conspiracy minded stuff, with such a rule in place by Hawaii it effectively prevents any real verification by forensic specialists of the original document, therefore essentially nothing can be proven nor disproven by a digital reproduction of the document .... so doubt still remains regarding the validity of the actual document itself.

With a matter as complex and of national importance as this the US Justice Dept. could also overrule Hawaiis policy and require presentation and forensic examination of the original document, though with that departments head as an Obozo appointee, this will not happen either. This is unfortunate since absolute clarity of this issue is what's needed to finally put the whole thing to bed, and all efforts to do so, not only could be, but should be done if Obozo is genuine in his desires once and for all end this controversy.

In the US our major issues at this juncture are myriad and certainly deserving of attention, but when the question is asked if the sitting prez. is actually legally capable of holding that office relative to Constitutional rules, that too is a very reasonable question and deserves every effort possible to assure the public of such a right.

Having read in many places that his 1st act as prez was to seal his birth, passport and educational records that indeed gives rise to at least a reasonable suspicion as to why this was done. One can couch that however one chooses, but when it revolves around a prez who campaigned on "absolute transparency" it sure looks decidedly odd to do so and the constant derision of anyone seeking clarity of these issues by the press and the administration itself only adds more fuel to the fire, not less winking

BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 03:44PM

I didn't call you a racist, I said I thought that the issue has a basis in racism and that's what I believe. If you take that as me calling you racist then I am very sorry but you are wrong. Try to deny that racism is still very much alive in America and that it does influence people's judgment. Yes, I dropped the race card because I think people are in denial about it and it is a factor and I see it in action in people I actually do know and I know that they are racist.

As far as the legitimacy of the birth record goes, I doubt some folks would believe any forensic conclusions reached about it by anyone.

As I have said, I am not a liberal nor am I a conservative so quit trying to categorize me, you're wasting your time.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 03:52PM

so a basis for racism doesn't mean that i am one in your eyes? smiling bouncing smiley
i love double talk bullshit. smiling bouncing smiley
get out your kneepads Blah, Barry is gonna give ya a booty call real soon. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 04:05PM

another big time racist sent me this smiling bouncing smiley


you know all us white boys hate anything non-white. handjob
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 04:24PM

The only double talk is in your own mind.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 04:26PM

Blah, anyone with a brain would be hard put to claim racism is non-existent, yet a valid case can be also presented that only whites are held accountable as racists.

The actions of anyone can be racist, whites do not have a lock on that capability, nor does any other race. However, racism is discrimination or differential treatment of someone based on their race and .... differential treatment or discrimination because of their race. What many govt regulations effectively put into place is also discriminational policies as it then forces preferential treatment of minorities which itself is purely discriminatory against non-minorities.

But, remove all claims of racism from this argument and get to what is fact. When you get to the core of this discussion the simple unavoidable truth remains that Obozo has effectively sealed all personal records about his past and anyone even asking why this was done is cast as being infantile or racist for even posing such a question.

The burning question this raises to many people is why is it unreasonable to ask every effort possible be made to make this information available for public scrutiny? If open, honest and verifiable transparency of issues of such obvious import is unreasonable, I fail to see how a logical case can be made against asking for it.

Failing to allow release of these documents becomes at best questionable, if not outright suspect as to why they would need to be sealed at all if there's "nothing to see here" as is so vehemently claimed winking

BTW, even digital forensics that have already been done point to several discrepencies within the released document that certainly raise some concerns about what was released but I'm sure all of this will be vilified and swept under the racist rug too (*facepalm*)


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 28/04/2011 04:33PM by Mrkim.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 04:31PM

i have a Whoopi Goldberg set of corn rows for ya Blah, they're adjustable for tiny heads. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 05:41PM

that guys computer in that last video is a racist. smiling bouncing smiley
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 06:02PM

F_D: Ha ha ha. Butt fucked by Obama and Whoopie cornrows in my hair.

Kim: Tell me something I don't know.

Take what I said for what I actually said or leave it alone. Now I am reminded of why I don't discuss this stuff with you guys. Keep jumping to conclusions and making assumptions but you're doing it without me.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 06:32PM

"jumping to conclusions and making assumptions"
is that the same as claiming that people are nuts for questioning Barry's character?
or questioning everything without rock solid proof?
maybe it's calling people racists that despise the liberal ideology?

i'm willing to bet that it's nothing more than a scape goat for people that make fun of your twisted reality. smiling bouncing smiley
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 06:35PM

how does that foot taste? smiling bouncing smiley
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 07:11PM

Here's a thought - maybe Obama is happy for his opponents to be off on what he knows to be a wild goose chase so he can get on with the real issues?
BlahX3 Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 07:12PM

I don't know how it tastes, you're the one eating it.
Learn to read Fossil.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 07:24PM

or maybe he knows his ass is grass ( producing a false birth certificate is grounds for impeachment) and he stumbled badly on the picking of his photoshop artist.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 07:25PM

oh yes, i forgot Blah..."can't read"? would make it hard as hell to respond to any comments here wouldn't it? handjob
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 28, 2011 09:58PM

c'mon ya chickenshit Toad, i'm dying to hear your "expert" opinion. smiling bouncing smiley
jgoins Report This Comment
Date: April 29, 2011 11:56AM

We;; I am racist and have never hidden it here but that doesn't aleviate the doubt I have about the document Odamna produce of his birth. It is relative easy for any of us to produce our birth certificates when needed so why didn't he? Even as old as I am I still have my copy of my birth certificate. Personally I think he was elected solely on a fear of being viewed as racist and a desire for being politically correct in the first place. Now that same fear and desire for political correctness is what is making people accept this document as authentic. Step away from your fear people abandon political correctness, give this document the scrutiny that is needed. For that matter, take off the blinders and call the president on his campaign promises that he failed to fulfill.
fossil_digger Report This Comment
Date: April 29, 2011 12:24PM

are you still defending this farce Onyma? (*horse*)