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how ironical

"a group of people sitting on grass in front of a sign"

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Comments for: how ironical
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2020 06:36AM

I think they need more practice!
woberto Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2020 06:48AM

How's the lockdown going GAK?
GAK67 Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2020 11:37PM

I work for a pharmaceutical company, so I'm considered an 'essential service worker'. I could go to the office each day if I needed to, but I'm set up to work from home. It would be pretty boring if I wasn't working during the day, and pretty tough financially if I wasn't still getting paid.

The toughest part is that my ex and I agreed that it would be safer to keep the kids in one location rather than have them split their time between us, so I am missing my kids. They're 18 and 15, and both have their own personal devices, so we can still keep in touch, but it's not the same as seeing them in person.

What about you 'berto?
woberto Report This Comment
Date: April 02, 2020 11:49PM

Hey Gak. Still working but expect to be "stood down" in a week or so as the work is steadily declining.
We produce food-packaging and pharma-packaging but that component it's not enough to keep all hands on deck.
Aust Fed is paying $750 per week per employee to any business that stands workers down. The business then pays the employee as if they are still working.
My employer will pay me full wages if I am stood down (which I will be) and accept the Fed payment as a top up. That's a good deal IMHO.
Many workers will only receive the $750 and if you can't make do on that in these trying times then I have no sympathy.
We will be paying for this for a long long time but I can't say I have any better ideas.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: April 03, 2020 09:12AM

Yep. We'll be paying this off the rest of our lives. And probably the next generation too.

Good to hear you guys are all going relatively OK though.

I'm an essential worker right now, and currently at no risk of being stood down. I can see some forced leave or a paycut coming. I think I'll be OK though.. fortunately we don't live pay cheque to pay cheque, so even if it does happen we'll be fine. I agree that if you can't survive for a while on a basic $750pw then there's something wrong with you. If you have a mortgage etc then fine, but if you haven't over extended yourself then hopefully there's some redraw or similar available.

The whole situation is a bit of a shitful mess though.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 04, 2020 04:10AM

Corona comes to Bugtussle ... maybe

Been helping my youngest daughter w/some projects at her place and spent last night so I could get a good run at things today.

She goes in at 4am and I was up just shortly after she left this mornin (have a hard core case of early riser-idous). Doin the usual mornin routine, lotsa coffee and nicotine, when the door opens and there she is, lookin a bit haggard and confused at about 5:30. "They sent me home with a fever and I'm having a shortage of breath, my side hurts and I have a clanging headache" she says. Ruh-roh!

So, we get in touch w/her doctor and at 8:05 we're in the Docs parking lot where they come out to the car, take her temp (normal) and check her oxygen levels, which were also normal.

So, they take her inside, administer a test for strep throat, nope, then another test for the flu and again, nope, no flu. Then they take a culture to send in for Corona testing and give her a note saying she's under quarantine till the results come back early next week.

'Course if she has it, so do I after the 2hrs or so we spent together in her car yesterdee gatherin supplies, though at this point it's all unconfirmed, just really not lookin all that good either.

Anyhoosal, so we headed to my place and picked up some supplies, clothes, etc and I'm stayin here at her place where we can keep an eye on each other till we get the results back from her test.

I feel fine and she's definitely not all that unwell so who knows? In the mean time we're enjoyin some laughs, cookin together, workin 'round her casa and I've been readin up on what to do should we both wind up with this wacked out virus.

In the words of the great Chuck Berry "Goes to show you never can tell" (*binladen*)


Edited 2 time(s). Last edit at 04/04/2020 04:16AM by Mrkim.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: April 05, 2020 03:54PM

Whew, my daughter got her test results back late yesterdee and she's clear, which means I am as well, YaY!!

woberto Report This Comment
Date: April 05, 2020 09:29PM