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Ideas direct events, event affect people. Here is the list for the moment.
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Ideas direct events, event affect people.  Here is the list for the moment.

"a close-up of a paper"

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Comments for: Ideas direct events, event affect people. Here is the list for the moment.
Peter Puller Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2022 05:17AM

One more time, in English?

What I got out of the last couple full paragraphs is that Australian liberals act like American conservatives: Claim to believe in something that they are not following, claim to speak for the deity when the Book is pretty clear about how they want the opposite of what their deity commanded, and attempt to build a pseudo-theocracy (similar to what the Taliban and Al-Qaida have done) based on what one party claims is right rather than what is right. Amusing irony is that American conservatives claim that American liberals don't follow religion at all and are godless heathens, while the liberals in deed rather than word alone do what the Book says to do -- love one another, help immigrants and the poor, and unite rather than divide.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2022 09:48AM


"Australian liberals act like American conservatives" and pretend to admire them.
"Claim to believe in something that they are not following" yes.
"they want the opposite of what [the] deity commanded" yes, as taught by 'liberal theologians'.
"attempt to build a pseudo-theocracy" someone is. I heard talk of a 'global theocracy' a long time ago, but don't know enough. It would make for a simpler picture, but as I said, I don't know.
"similar to what the Taliban and Al-Qaida have done" don't get me started son. Really. I don't think it would be constructive given Islamic State: Inside the Terror, by Vice in Canada exists. If that's your subject I recommend it. Comprehend what they're saying.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2022 09:10AM

I should add: wanting to build a global theocracy is treason in every country. Treason carries the death penalty in the Australian Constitution.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2022 01:58AM

The Act moved the offence of treason from the Crimes Act 1914 into the Criminal Code, replaced the death penalty with life imprisonment; and removed gender specific references to the sovereign.


Australia does not have the death penalty.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: November 05, 2022 06:43AM

To add to the above image:

Either you judge politics in the light of religion and adjust it to suit, or you judge religion in the light of politics and adjust it to suit. Either of these may be replaced with fashion.

Christ promoted divorce if it turned out your spouse fornicated (and you hadn't). Government sets an age of consent (here where I am, at 16). If you've attempted to follow Christ and been accused of 'pride', and been told 'pride is a sin!';


Someone commits a crime carrying the death penalty, the law is changed after the fact, by the guilty, who pretend all is made right, and you are told to show 'reconciliation', 'love' and 'forgiveness';

Those are examples of judging religion in the light of political decisions and adjusting it to suit.