Peter Puller Report This Comment Date: June 08, 2023 04:26PM
Read the Bible yourself. There was more than one flood listed -- this wasn't
the one Noah faced, but it was along the lines of what Moses faced.
woberto Report This Comment Date: June 08, 2023 10:58PM
I... did not know that.
Still this is no worse than floods that happen every year in Europe and Eurasia.
Anon Report This Comment Date: June 09, 2023 12:06AM
The quality of journalism these days is abysmal. It's as if they never went to
People like my uncle are to blame. He's a lecturer in Philosophy and the
schools of philosophy persuaded the relevant faculties that train future
journalists to teach them to "Just repeat things". They think it's
funny: see! The whole world that follows the media is being dumbed down! Only
philosophers are intelligent! And... the next generation of philosophers grow
up following the media...
It's what they've done to this world.