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Eetin' muh geesey
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Eetin' muh geesey

"a man holding a bird"

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uploader: Anonymous
date: 2024-09-14
Comments for: Eetin' muh geesey
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2024 10:49PM

Because right wing Americans are a bunch of gullible dumbasses that make up things to bitch about.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 14, 2024 11:06PM

I just remembered something and my edit didn't take. (If I was a right wing idiot I'd cry CENSORSHIP but I know I was just too slow)
About three years ago I went out with a shovel early one morning and scooped up a dead rabbit out of the road before my neighbors' kids came out and saw it on their way to school. Lucky for me I guess that some dumbass like pro_junior wasn't there with a camera to take a picture and make up some stupid story. Meanwhile, every day those kids had to see their freedom of speech on display in the form of another neighbor's flag that said Fuck Joe Biden and Fuck You If You Voted For Him. Really patriotic, that one.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2024 06:17PM

"Gullible dumbasses"? Hmm, well let's look at a few real issues and see who'd actually be gullible shall we?

Under the Biden/Harris presidency
1. Inflation and it's impact on every Americans budgetary concerns across the economic spectrum, including food, housing and fuel have skyrocketed while the actual net worth of our currency has similarly declined.

2. Continued division of the people into neatly constructed socio/economic/racial/sex/gender/political factions (divide and conquer on steroids) has escalated at a pace unlike any time in our history showing the absolute lack of anything resembling unification of the US population.

3. While our national strategic reserves have been continually diminished to a point where national security is at risk, just so they could synthetically place a stop gap on further increases at the gas pump, all while continuing to amplify costs and regulations on energy production, stymieing real world progresses while simultaneously forcing us into buying oil from people who are actually our self stated enemies.

4. Continued in the expansion of government into ever more areas of our lives, as if that could ever be viewed positively. The "government being there to help" is only true in the sense they are willing to lighten your pockets (actual theft of your wages) so they can then give away those same funds to others and give a big "FUCK YOU" to anyone who cares about such theft and wealth redistribution.

5. Millions of people have poured across an essentially legitimized pourous national border. Simple poor people looking for a better life, also people looking to eek out a better life here through criminal enterprise, known terrorists and others also managed to use the same avenues of "immigration" to further undermine our national sovereignty at an incredible socio/financial cost to EVERY American. But ... if you point out the fallacy of this illogicality you're sure to be painted with ever broadening brush strokes with the endearing leftist label of the day: racist, sexist, nationalist, xenophobe.

6. As state after state has made efforts to certify electorial results from their states reflect the will of legally empowered voters the federal government has continued its onslaught of legal challenges to directly subvert these states authority to monitor and police their voting rolls and elections. While you hafta have an ID to legally buy booze, drive a car, fly on an airplane along with a myriad of other real world requirements for proof of a legal ID if you point to an ability to vote in an election should also require a legal ID, that's somehow again: racist, sexist, nationalist or xenophobic. See a pattern emerging yet?

Interesting how emotion as opposed to logic riles up the left while attention to actual facts is always downplayed but somehow the conservative position is the gullible one (*facepalm*)
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2024 06:48PM

I used to think you were smart, Kim, but turns out you're just another Texas twit that has been conned by the fake conservatives, ya fucking windbag.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 15, 2024 07:05PM

Rip another page from the liberal playbook there dude.

Don't bother to attempt anything resembling a logical argument to make your refutation, just side step anything requiring real thought or intellect and opt instead to name calling and derisiveness as that is surely the sign of real mental acumen.

If I truly worried about what you thought of me Q ball I'd be even more worried about myself being so concerned about such simplistic and totally meaningless ideas (*lost*)
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2024 09:11AM

To quote your sycophantic little friend pro_junior, "blah, blah, blah."
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 16, 2024 01:45PM

Aw, now ain't that just so cute! Look who slid their pretty box of crayons back under their bed and is tryin to slip into his 1st pair of Big Boy pants. Why it's our very own little Q ball, isn't that just PRECIOUS smileys with beer

Careful there killer, massaging your diminutive sense of intellect usin big people words like sycophant might lead to more advanced processes like individual thought. Shit like that could getcha thrown right the fuck outta the warm embrace of your liberal fold (*monty*)