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That suit though..
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That suit though..

"a collage of a man in suits"

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uploader: Anonymous
date: 2024-09-17
Comments for: That suit though..
quasi Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2024 02:18PM

Not to mention that since the days of Reagan and Gingrich, the economy has always done better during Democrat administrations. Trickle down doesn't work and its mechanisms have allowed the hoarding of wealth in only a few hands while the middle class is being choked out of existence. There's room for improvement, there always is and I remember my dad bitching about inflation 50 years ago, but since the pandemic when supply chains crippled by shutdowns caused shortages of some items and a glut of others (such as that cheap gasoline in 2020 the GOP longs wistfully for, forgetting the overcrowded hospitals and morgues that were the real price to pay for it) wrecked the WORLD economy, the U.S, avoided the worst of it and has a robust economy now, the best in the world. I had to cash in my 401K after the republican crash in 2008 just to survive, but those fortunate enough to have them now are doing pretty damned good. Trump's predicted (and don't kid yourself, he hoped for it and the pain it would cause) crash during Biden's administration didn't happen and things are improving, if slowly.
Mrkim Report This Comment
Date: September 17, 2024 11:04PM

Though I could succinctly debunk every single thing you mentioned above Q ball, the requisite book it would take to do so is not really worth the effort.

Have you ever even given any thought as to why you are so consumed with TDS? Does it ever bother you that he lives and breathes totally rent free in your head (*horse*)