Anon - not logged in Report This Comment Date: November 12, 2024 12:27AM
How thick are you? Not only should you learn to spell but tariffs are about
protecting your own industrial base and the employment/taxes it generates. If
you don't know that you're simply not educated.
Think, if the shirt is now sold for $50, and another company can make it locally
to retail at $45, you just employed dozens or more of your own people, not
foreigners, caused the starting of a business in your own country, not somewhere
else, and in time of war that business can make things of use to you - like the
pump manufacturer in Sydney that made a bomb used in the Vietnam War. Or the
brewers who discovered they had the right equipment for making hand sanitiser
when a virus came along.
Really, you have to be thick!
Peter Puller Report This Comment Date: November 12, 2024 02:41AM
Think, if the
shirt is now sold for $50, and another company can make it locally to retail at
$45, you just employed dozens or more of your own people, not foreigners, caused
the starting of a business in your own country
Now we see why you do not understand tariffs: the word IF. It's ideal if there
were some local manufacturer making products that we import, but much of the
time there isn't. And when there is, it's still more than the imported version.
Plus we have this nasty habit of businesses saying "hey, they're making $xx
so we can charge $xx as well" so that shirt will not the $45.
You didn't negate a single thing the post said about how a tariff on a thing
will be passed along to the consumer. Because that's how it works. "We'll
make China pay for it" is naive and has been proven not to be the case.
Anon - not logged in Report This Comment Date: November 12, 2024 05:39AM
Peter, I lost a whole career path when Australia slashed its tariffs.
Now we look at the other side: it was worked out in Australia that if there
were no tariffs anywhere the average wage would have to be $1-1.40 Australian a
day. That was in the 1980's. So multiply by 15 today. Can you live on that?
It's a world of a few super rich explaining, in invented moral tones, why the
many should be super poor, with a dramatically smaller middle class.
Now what, in the post or my reply, do you find right, and what do you find
pulse Report This Comment Date: November 12, 2024 06:51AM
Think, if the shirt is now sold for $50, and another company can make it locally
to retail at $45, you just employed dozens or more of your own people, not
foreigners, caused the starting of a business in your own country, not somewhere
Sure. But also at the same time the shirt that was $40 is now $45, hiking
inflation and causing other issues. The only reason it was made overseas was
because it was cheaper. Great, you've solved that, and in doing so increased the
price of all affected items.
woberto Report This Comment Date: November 12, 2024 08:03AM
Nice try commie.
The tariff is set against what price it can be made and sold BY AMERICAN
The goal is to NOT buy from overseas manufacturers but to buy local.
And if the made in China product is superior, then people will pay the higher
Anon - not logged in Report This Comment Date: November 12, 2024 08:16AM
Doesn't anyone comprehend that tariffs give you lifestyle and employment? It's
amazing that isn't in the propaganda, nor your arguments. Now work out if you
can live on $21 a day. Life was far better for the many in the tariff days.
The whole project is about benefiting the few at the expense of the many. Yes,
I called it a project. It's promoted by making things up and presenting them as
pulse Report This Comment Date: November 12, 2024 11:00AM
Your survival is your problem, I want my cheap Chinese tat.