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Can you handle the truth ?
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Can you handle the truth ?

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Comments for: Can you handle the truth ?
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 12:08AM

What does "terrorists winning" actually mean?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 12:35AM

Sunni Iraqis did not vote. Shia who the US had aided Saddam oppress for 25 years did vote.

There is no such thing as a "liberal" media anymore. Most of the old "liberal" media outlets were bought by conservative corporations.

The true picture of what is happening in Iraq is that everyday life is unstable as opposed to stable under Saddam Hussein. The coalition forces created this instability and the longer they remain the more unstable it will stay.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 03:22AM

Why have hundreds of thousands of Iraqis joined the coalition forces and police force?
Because they are out of a job......what do you think happened to all the Iraqi soldiers who surrendered to our troops when we took Iraq? You think they just disappeared? Hey maybe they went back to farming? LOL!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 04:26AM

To me, terrorist winning would mean blowing some of your dumb asses up, so far it's just in the media and only dumb asses believe them anyway..
Truth_from_Georgia Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 02:31PM

The "liberal media" is just a way of blocking out information that some do not want to hear. The process goes like this: "This information does not conform with what I believe is the case or wish to be the case, but I do not have to pay any attention to it because it is from the 'liberal media' and therefore untrue." There is no limit to the devices average people will employ to avoid having to confront uncomfortable questions regarding their tightly held beliefs. Many here in the US are so emotionally invested in the correctness of the war that they cannot admit the possibility of being wrong. Too painful. Must be that the bad news is just wrong. Hence, the "liberal media." If that doesn't work it is back to the old fall-back position of "stabbed in the back at home" which one sees in this quote, one hears regarding the war in Vietnam and one saw with devastating effect in Germany in the 1920s and early 30s.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 24, 2005 04:46PM


Only 20,000 new Iraqi forces are fighting with coalition forces.

Each province had its own militia prior to the invasion. These militias are only protecting their provinces now. They are fighting with coalition forces sometimes.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 30, 2006 05:53AM

there is no such thing as the "liberal" media.

All US media parrots the US government propaganda to the american masses.

WMDs in Iraq was reported to the american public without a shred of evidence. What kind of reporting is that ?

Now that the false WMDs story was told no media outlet story should be believed without a through examination.