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Americans and iraq's having fun! 4
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Americans and iraq's having fun! 4

"a person wearing a garment"

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Comments for: Americans and iraq's having fun! 4
ElmerFudd Report This Comment
Date: May 03, 2004 04:52AM

Balloo Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2004 04:19PM

Braininspector Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2004 06:33PM

beep Report This Comment
Date: May 04, 2004 11:30PM

Theres much more effective methods of interogation, most of them dont break the rules of the geneva convention, another sad act shown by american soldiers.
KT Report This Comment
Date: May 11, 2004 04:57PM

Looks like Jeepers Creepers. Bring on more photos! Let these other sympathetic folks go live over there for a while, and see how much Iraqi's love us.
kikeaholic Report This Comment
Date: May 12, 2004 05:45AM

who likes short shorts?
Hozebeast Report This Comment
Date: May 25, 2004 05:49PM

Sick racist fucks? How about the next time one of the motherfuckers blows something up we kill you? You anti-american prick. Are you a fuckin jawa too? Is that why you hate these pics Balloo? Are you one of the sand people that encourages bombings? How about you pick up arms and fight or get in your god damn boat and row back. I think your daddy Osama is calling you.
jawa-killer Report This Comment
Date: June 27, 2004 10:28AM

TConX Report This Comment
Date: January 17, 2005 08:18AM

I'd like to meet the idiot who thought taking pictures of this crap was a good idea...

Typical American!
TConX Report This Comment
Date: January 17, 2005 08:18AM


We're all living in AmeriKKKa!
Coca Cola, sometimes WAR!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: February 12, 2005 08:09AM

This sort of thing has been going on since war began, but taking pictures of it and getting them spread around the world has to be the most stupid thing ever done by these bone head soldiers. Guaranteed to ensure several generations of previously disinterested people from all across the Middle East hate America with a passion and spend their days thinking up ways to fuck you about. That is the legacy of Dubya and his fundementalist Christian loony friends.
Drew Report This Comment
Date: November 05, 2005 06:33AM

Poor, poor Muther fuckers. They should have killed them all.
Drew Report This Comment
Date: November 05, 2005 06:37AM

On May 4, 2004, 6:30 pm beep@8929 said :
Theres much more effective methods of interogation, most of them dont break the rules of the geneva convention, another sad act shown by american soldiers.

You know what Fuck the geneva convention, They follow no rules so why should we asshole. Would you play poker with someone who's stacking the deck?
phoenixbennu Report This Comment
Date: January 01, 2006 09:09AM

let me be very simple here. I do not agree with the way we went about it, and yes I say WE. AS IN ALL OF AMERICA. 90% of the people complaining about the war now were pushing for it beforehand. INCLUDING KERRY! I have served with some very brave and courageous men, and I have many friends who have served as well. I will be blunt when I say that actions like torturing captured soldiers is not something condoned. Seriously, you think Bush walked down to the camp and said hey lets go and do this and that to these guys. Bush had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. If some american soldiers did this, then they should be blamed, not the entire government. that is just trying to find an excuse to blame bush and his cabinet. Doing that only shows that you don't have anything real on him, and have to stretch for something.

Let me just tell all you people who blame america and insult the soldiers who are fighting so you can drink your latte's and act like assholes. If you do not like america then go live in iran or iraq. I doubt that anyone here would go and live in iraq with saddam as dictator. I have middle eastern friends that came from Iran. Believe me, its a different picture when you ge the blunt of it in person.

I don't agree with how we went about it, but saddam is a sick sick man and his soldiers as well. I do not agree with torture on either side. I do not think we should treat them with degredation. I think it would be better for us as Americans to show everyone else how it should be done. Though, those of you who just want to get on a stupid picture comment site and say things like "you suck" and "nitemare" (which is an ignorant mispelling) should consult a dictionary to come up with better ways to express your thoughts. (referring to the other picture of torture). Bush nor any of his higher ups, did this torture. We don't blame our neighbors for it, and they had just as much to do with the torture as bush did. Bush may be the commander and chief, but trust me. not everything he says gets done. Even my CO couldnt stop some hazing and other 'illegal' activities that went on.

Also think long and hard before you criticize america. We may not have it perfect, but it is a great deal better here than anywhere else in the world. You are entitled to your opinion, but at least try to make it an educated one. You talk about not putting guns in the hands of rednecks, but by the type of comments made here, I would say we should not be putting keyboards in the hands of rednecks. Actually, I should not say would be insulting to true rednecks.

If you want to change your country then do something about it. The majority of people complaining about the war have never served any public office or done any public service. Most fireman, police, emt, military, etc support america. Maybe not every part of america, but the last time I saw a soldier slandering america it was slandering it's wanna-be president Kerry.