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this is revolution

"a red ribbon on a white background"

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Comments for: this is revolution
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 02:44AM

Revolution Newspaper Online
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 03:24AM

Is this serious or a joke?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 07:29AM

Uhhh... Revolutions are supposed to be for all of the people not just certain groups of people.

Jena 6 is a joke..... shadez, it's to bad that the white boy that got his ass beat (you know that violent crime those black boys with lots of priors did) wasn't you.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 09:47AM

our agenda is to unite all that can be united; the opposite of the capitalist class's to divide all that can be divided - to conquer the people, it is our agenda to unite the masses thus emanipating all of humanity, overcoming the capitalist class's agenda and bringing forth a new society free of exploitation, oppresion, corruption, and all of the injustices and horrors this capitalism adheres to the majority of humans of the world
it is the first step to arouse awareness in the masses that there is a better world we can achieve and then to unify the people politicaly and socially in general
chairman avakian said it best "unite all that can be united" and mao said "achieve internal political unification"
this is all good, but people need to realize that it is the aim of the capitalist class to divide us, and keep us bickering and fighting among ourselves over bullshit that we should be beyond by now
people need to become aware of this... this awareness of political division, among the other ways that they(bourgeoisie) have divided us
this very notion of: to unite all that can be united is in direct contradiction to the capitalist's own agenda to divide all that can be divided, should be emphasized in our discussions!
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 09:49AM

too bad that i wasn't the one being a bigot and saying that blacks had no right to sit under my tree? is that what you mean, or are you just reading the story that the bourgeois controlled media provides for you and the rest of the sheeple of this cunt-tree?

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 23/11/2007 09:49AM by shaDEz.
duane Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 10:52AM

When you think of communism you dont think of coruption?
zxz555 Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 04:53PM

duane Wrote:
> When you think of communism you dont think of
> coruption?

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because there`s no such thing as corruption in the west.
duane Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 08:59PM

Trust me, there is plenty of corruption here but there are more checks and balanes to keep track. There is also free speech to complain about it.
duane Report This Comment
Date: November 23, 2007 10:26PM

I love my country and what it stands for. It may have its flaws but nothing is perfect. I think it would be great for the people to stand up and clearly state what they want but what your asking is to cut off your nose despite your face. I agree some changes are due so we can get rid of special intrests but the basic system works and it has for over 200 years.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: November 24, 2007 05:56AM

duane Wrote:
> Trust me, there is plenty of corruption here but
> there are more checks and balances to keep track.
> There is also free speech to complain about it.

i fail to see how there are checks and balances, it is more like anarchy
why is this society so damn lop-sided? why is there so much injustice? the less of this outward expression of capital you have the more likely you are going to receive a completely unfair trial...

yes it is true that there is freedom of speech, but that is really a half truth, as all of the media outlets are owned by the bourgeois... do you ever hear someone like me on the CNN or fox... which also only televises their truth, and when one of their investigators uncovers something that might be detrimental to the corporate empire that also owns the particular "news" association they are censored entirely and usually instead of that story being aired at all they take a look at what ms. Hilton has been up to this weekend... the only place where we really have freedom of speech is on the street, and sites such as this one; which also they(the ruling class) are aiming to do away with with new "thought crimes" legislation... making it so that anyone who talks or even thinks about some of the shit i'm saying here is to be considered an enemy combatant - a terrorist

duane Wrote:
> I love my country and what it stands for. It may
> have its flaws but nothing is perfect. I think it
> would be great for the people to stand up and
> clearly state what they want but what your asking
> is to cut off your nose despite your face. I agree
> some changes are due so we can get rid of special
> intrests but the basic system works and it has for
> over 200 years.

no, nothing is perfect, and the socialistic world that we aim to gain for the transition to a better world - communism - is also far from perfect as there would remain antagonistic class contradictions under socialism...
even in communist society we will still have to struggle to transform necessity, we would still have to grasp and act in relation to the driving forces in society which are based in the contradictions between the forces and relations of production and between the base and superstructure, and the interrelation between the dynamics of those two contradictions(- Avakian)
... but the flaws that this system, capitalism, has are very serious, not minor ones, and no change other than a complete upheaval of this system is what is needed - really needed... the very nature of the relations of production and ownership
relations in which people confront each other as owners (or non­owners)
of things, which are to be exchanged—and more specifically relations in
which the appearance of equality covers over profound inequalities, relations which are
grounded in the exploitation and oppression of the many by a relative handful. In its most fundamental terms, this is
grounded in a relationship where a small number of people dominate ownership not only of the wealth
of society, but more fundamentally the means to produce wealth (land, raw materials, technology of
various kinds, and so on), and a large number of people own little or none of these things, and so must
sell their ability to work to those who do own them (and, if they are not able to sell their ability to work
—if they cannot get a job—they will either starve or be forced into other means, often illegal means, in
order to be able to live). Once again, this exchange—of the ability to work (or “labor power”) for a
wage (or salary)—appears to be an equal exchange; but in reality it involves and embodies a
profoundly unequal relation, in which those without capital are forced into a subordinate position:
forced to work for—and, in the process of working, creating more wealth for—those who do own and
control capital.
(- Avakian)

the basic system has worked for the last 200 years, but only for the capitalist class; for the rest of the people it has done nothing for any of us but caused us to be oppressed, to be slaves... so no, there needs to be the complete abolishment of this system which we can do...and now more than ever it is necessity
freedom lies in the recognition and transformation of necessity; not within the confines of the bourgeois right( - nic)
and this system is not needed by any of us either, it is the other way around entirely... capitalism not only created, but relies entirely on the existence of the proletariat class
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: November 24, 2007 08:12AM

shadez, here, go live there (Norway) for about 6 months, let us know. I'm sure it's better there to a certain extent, but, look at how much smaller it is (no overhead), not to mention they don't have hardly any blacks around, that would make a huge difference......


In countries like that it seems like the population is made up of, for the most part, decent people and they don't try to "get over" on anyone, anyplace, anytime, kinda thing, we just don't have the roots here to grow something like that. Every time the Government would try to be there for people, special interest groups, progressive communist for instance, would fight in any way, shape and/or form to get the most out of it, because, "they know better" and "they do the right thing", then other "groups" suffer and fight even more for their slice of the pie, and so on, and so on, and so on.... sounds kind of like capitalism to me.....
duane Report This Comment
Date: November 24, 2007 11:23AM

What exactly are you talking about changing? I'm not getting a clear picture of what you want to create in its place or what part you want gone.
shaDEz Report This Comment
Date: October 21, 2008 10:54AM

the underlying economic base of this society, and all others preceding this one...
A radically different state attempting to move to a classless society, internationally.

you need really strong eyes to read this size text... like pro_junior has