Anonomous Report This Comment Date: June 26, 2024 10:28AM
Wars just don't seem to stop. A British military historian puts it down to
profit, power, ego and the odd instance of desperation for resources. I'm
reminded of the Vietnam War: yanks sent conscripts into 8 weeks training (that
has to be the shortest training ever), into battle with no front lines, so
constantly going over the same ground, Polish ships loaded yank guns and ammo in
yank ports, unloaded in North Vietnam to supply the Viet Cong to fight the
conscripts. Money was made.
For the next two decades veterans rebelled against the betrayal, that was
self-censored by their media, who made heros of the police who shot the
veterans. Thus the sheer number of World War II surplus .30 calibre rifles
owned by yank police forces.
Anonomous Report This Comment Date: July 01, 2024 09:00AM
Sometimes plus613 is like the painting.