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W hot on the trail of 9/11 Mastermind
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W hot on the trail of 9/11 Mastermind

"a man with a beard"

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Comments for: W hot on the trail of 9/11 Mastermind
REPUBLIFUCKS Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 09:00PM

Bin Laden is now well aware of his underestimation of the hopeless wreck of our political system in that he is now aware that we don't live in a republic or a democracy but rather in a corporate feudal state masquerading as both.

It's all about the money and how those with 96% of
it can fuck you over for the rest of it.

(Does anybody remember the scene in Python's "The Meaning of Life" when there's a narrative cut to the boardroom of the "The Very Large Corporation of America" and the CEO is delivering a prospectus about "how much there is left to own"?
Well grab your ass, 'cause here they come thanks to Wolfowitz,Rove,Cheney and least of all that idiot Bush.)

Since the electorate has proven itself completely incompetent with regard to the task of choosing a qualified leader, I suspect the World in general will let the former seperation of regard for the people of our nation and the lack of it for our government degrade as it's now obvious that it's one big ineffective, impotent quagmire and the United States former abilities as a world leader have been traded for a wide spread license for inflation protected corporate hucksterism to be granted a field day by the inexplicably named "neo (more like "pseudo"winking
smileyconservative movement and the most expensive $600.00 per person tax break in history.

W. should leave it on the dresser.

That feeling you get when you fill up your gas tank or a registered letter shows up at your door is his sorry presidency oozing down our country's dumb fucking thighs.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 09:35PM

"The larger the mob, the harder the test. In small areas, before small electorates, a first-rate man occasionally fights his way through, carrying even the mob with him by force of his personality. But when the field is nationwide, and the fight must be waged chiefly at second and third hand, and the force of personality cannot so readily make itself felt, then all the odds are on the man who is, intrinsically, the most devious and mediocre — the man who can most easily adeptly disperse the notion that his mind is a virtual vacuum.

The Presidency tends, year by year, to go to such men. As democracy is perfected, the office represents, more and more closely, the inner soul of the people. We move toward a lofty ideal. On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron."

- H.L. Mencken, "Bayard vs. Lionheart", /Baltimore Evening Sun/ 26 July 1920
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 10:04PM are so sad. Must have a very menial job, which is all you are worth, so you seethe in anger about anyone who is successful and blame the system instead of yourself.

These people are going to come take what you have so they can have it all? When they get to your shack, they won't need a very large bag, will they?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 11:08PM


Casting your opinion of someone elses life makes you a conservative. Always placing value on someone elses way of life.

Meanwhile you didn't say 1 fucking thing about him comments. Not 1.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 29, 2005 11:13PM

The most advanced country in the world with the most sophisticated detection and firearms cannot find one man!! Surprise me and tell me he is being well looked after in the confines of the White House.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 12:17AM

Wouldn,t be having this bullshit if Clinton would have taken him when he was offer up on a plater. May not have had 911 either..
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 12:34AM

ya right, were was Bush on this topic on sept 10th,
Since Bushes reign:
patiot act(suspends the constitution)
The stratigic oil reserve act(look it up)
war on WMD's and then changed to the war on terror
let BinLAdens friends and families leave on Sept 13th.Only planes aloud out of the country.
must i go on for the blind and stupid, what has Bush done right i ask?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 12:39AM

when clinton was president gas was $1.19
when Bush was president gas is at$2.79
good job Mr. President,not bad for a corprate Oil man who failed at his own oil endevers. Its a good thing Dick Cheneys old oil company Halburton is there to do all the oil work.
Decatur_Tater Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 01:06AM

"On August 29, 2005, 7:34 pm Anonymous@7218 said :
ya right, were was Bush on this topic on sept 10th,
Since Bushes reign:
patiot act(suspends the constitution)
The stratigic oil reserve act(look it up)
war on WMD's and then changed to the war on terror
let BinLAdens friends and families leave on Sept 13th.Only planes aloud out of the country.
must i go on for the blind and stupid, what has Bush done right i ask?"
The strategic oil reserve has been around for about 80 years or so. Try Googling on Teapot Dome Scandal for some education. The current act, voted on by Congress and passed with several Democrats voting for it, makes very little change and only extends a reserve that has been in place since the 1920's. So, in your mind, this is Bush's evildoing. Figures.

And as to the Urban Legend about a place load of Saudis being the only flight allowed out of the me ONE credible source for such a know, like the Washington Post, The New York Times, Time, Newsweek, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN.....anybody. So somehow or another, Bush was responsible for a mythical plane which did not exist except in the mind of....oops, better not say it.

BTW, it is "allowed" not "aloud" which means something completely different.

Liberals just crack me up.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 01:07AM

Lots of laughs all around, but I hope someone plants him anyway.
Decatur_Tater Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 01:24AM

"On August 29, 2005, 7:39 pm Anonymous@7218 said :
when clinton was president gas was $1.19
when Bush was president gas is at$2.79
good job Mr. President,not bad for a corprate Oil man who failed at his own oil endevers. Its a good thing Dick Cheneys old oil company Halburton is there to do all the oil work."

Tiny leetle bit of education here for you folks who don't get around much....the price of oil is quoted in American dollars and is GLOBAL (look this fascinating word up in your dictionary). The prices that American refiners pay is the SAME (another word to look up) as some refiner in Romania or Indonesia or Peru. The suppliers offer their product in a global marketplace and sell to the highest bidder and they don't care one whit who it is as long as they have money.

The price of oil has gone through the roof because of the economic expansion in China and India who now consume many times more oil than when Clinton was president. And yet, this is Bush's fault. Al Gore would have done what? Nuked China?

By the way, Halliburton is not an oil company, it is an oil services company. They manufacture, sell, maintain and distribute oil industry machinery. Go to their website for a list of products they sell. Oil is not one of them. They also have acquired a number of other companies in related fields such as Dresser and Kellog, Brown and Root.....KBR pretty much runs the mess halls in Iraq, does laundry, whatever it takes to keep the troops fed and supplied.

Liberals crack me up.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 01:46AM


Speculators on Wall Street are what has driven the price of crude oil and subsequently gas. They have bet that the Iraq invasion has and will disrupt the world crude oil supply. And it has so far. World usage has not risen 2 fold since March 2003 to warrant a double in price.

Chevron/Unocal is an oil company and they're licking their chops trying to figure out how to set themselves up as the Iraqs main oil company. Drilling and refining.

Of course this is the very practice that brought on 9/11. American companies raping the 3rd world's land and people of it's natural resources without paying for them.

The danger in the near future is that the Shia in the south of Iraq, where the second largest oil fields in the world are, should come under Iranian control. How could this be ? As Iraq heads toward civil war, iranian clerics (who lead iraqi shia) will push for the shia in the south to be annexed to Iran giving Iran a massive income jolt. And a massive security threat to everyone on the world.

If Iraq has a civil war the US will have to sit on the sidelines because their enemy would be the shia (currently our friends) and our friends would be the sunnis (currently Iraqi freedom fighters) who we are killing to make way for Chevron/Unocal.

Try explaining to a soldier doing a tour in Iraq now how he could be fighting side by side with his current enemy in 5 to 10 years. It might make him question what he is doing now.
madmex Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 02:10AM

post what bush has done for this country?
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 02:23AM

Dude,I bow in your presense.They have seen to much M.Moore.They need to watch Farenhype911 to see all of M.Moores lies and inacuracies in his movie.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 02:23AM

Decater tater that is.
Decatur_Tater Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 02:25AM

On August 29, 2005, 8:46 pm aDCBeast@18867 said :


Speculators on Wall Street are what has driven the price of crude oil and subsequently gas. They have bet that the Iraq invasion has and will disrupt the world crude oil supply. And it has so far. World usage has not risen 2 fold since March 2003 to warrant a double in price.

Chevron/Unocal is an oil company and they're licking their chops trying to figure out how to set themselves up as the Iraqs main oil company. Drilling and refining.

Of course this is the very practice that brought on 9/11. American companies raping the 3rd world's land and people of it's natural resources without paying for them.

The danger in the near future is that the Shia in the south of Iraq, where the second largest oil fields in the world are, should come under Iranian control. How could this be ? As Iraq heads toward civil war, iranian clerics (who lead iraqi shia) will push for the shia in the south to be annexed to Iran giving Iran a massive income jolt. And a massive security threat to everyone on the world.

If Iraq has a civil war the US will have to sit on the sidelines because their enemy would be the shia (currently our friends) and our friends would be the sunnis (currently Iraqi freedom fighters) who we are killing to make way for Chevron/Unocal.

Try explaining to a soldier doing a tour in Iraq now how he could be fighting side by side with his current enemy in 5 to 10 years. It might make him question what he is doing now.


There are many things wrong with your post and it is probably a waste of time to iterate the errors but just for fun I will try....

Most of the world's purchase orders for oil & LNG are placed in London which is the world hub for these things. Makes sense as most Arab sheikhs have second homes in London and get their medical care there as well as educate their children. Speculators on Wall Street in many cases are foreign entities such as HSBC (Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Company), large global conglomerates, people like George Soros (the patron saint of the Democratic Party who is Hungarian, I believe) and others. These speculators are immune from American politics by and large and don't give a rat's ass who is president.

The Iraqi government has invited many global oil companies to submit proposals....that is all they are, develop Iraqi oil fields. Most people think that the winner will be French or Italian. Chevron/Unocal was INVITED by Iraq to submit a proposal along with Royal Dutch Shell, Total, Fina, BP and others. Why would they decline this invitation? Because YOU disapprove?

Americans are raping what 3rd world country of its land and natural resources without paying for them? This is a deliberately murky and muddled accusation without any specifics. What country? What land? What resources? Didn't pay? And your evidence is? No Urban Legends please, we are grownups here.

As for explaining to an American soldier (know any personally? I sure do...the Georgia 48th Brigade is over there now. Three of my buddies are in the 48th) how he could be facing an ally now and fighting him in 5 to 10 years...uh, the Russians were our allies in WWII...we gave them thousands of tanks, trucks, planes, howitizers, etc. costing the American taxpayer billions not to mention all the thousands of men who died in ships sunk by U-Boats...and almost immediately they became our enemy....the Berlin Airlift was in 1948, just three years after the end of the war. We have been there before and will be again. It is the nature of things. The British burned the White House in 1812 and the French were our allies. Just the nature of things.
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 03:30AM

Hey there, "Tater", you rock! Never heard it put better.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 04:30AM


Nice red herrings. You avioded most points and even made up some BS. Cool !

American gas prices have gone up prescisely for the resason I listed above. AMERICAN gas prices.

"Crude oil prices are determined by worldwide supply and demand, with significant influence by the Organization of

Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC). Since it was organized in 1960, OPEC has tried to keep world oil prices at

its target level by setting an upper production limit on its members. OPEC has the potential to influence oil

prices world- wide because its members possess such a great portion of the world’s oil supply, accounting for about

39% of the world’s production of crude oil and holding more than two-thirds of the world’s estimated crude oil


"Rapid gasoline price increases have occurred in response to crude oil shortages caused by, for example, the Arab

oil embargo in 1973, the Iranian revolution in 1978, the Iran/Iraq war in 1980, and the Persian Gulf conflict in

1990. Gasoline price increases in recent years have been due in part to OPEC crude oil production cuts, turmoil in

key oil producing countries, and problems with petroleum infrastructure (e.g., refineries and pipelines) within the

United States."

And now Iraq.

I never said speculators care who is president. Speculators do care what decisions a president makes. Which is

exactly what I said above. Bush caused a panic on Wall Street and the price per brl of crude rose dramatically.

Speculators assessed the political situation as one that would cut into the supply of crude world wide. The

speculators were correct.

You deliberately missed my point that allowing American companies like Chevron/Unocal to be a part of the oil

industry in Iraq would reek of impropriety. The US destroyed Iraq's oil infrastructure knowing that american oil

companies would have an inside track to getting contracts and permanent footholds in the country.

It's not because I don't aprrove. Leading political scientists, foreign affairs, and anti-terrorism experts site

this is a leading reason for instability and terrorist events around the world.

Let's see. Countries the US has raped the people and land of; Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, UAE to name

just the middle eastern countries. To not acknowledge this means you are not serious and just looking to sound smart

when you are not.

I love time wasting questions. Especially ones where the answer is obvious.


Be careful who you praise in ignorance. They may be wrong.

ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 05:53AM

No shit dipshit, I sure as Hell didn't praise you. Why don't you just admit that you are floating on the scum that you've heard. You never have hard evidence, and, frankley, you sound retatrded most of the time, THAT'S WHY NOONE LIKES YOU! Don't you realize, your comments are always nonsense with nothing to back it. At least my man above laid it down for you! But you still make your own stuff up! Keep being disallusional, just don't come down my street, Crazy one!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 07:42AM


I never have hard evidence? LOL!

And who cares if no one likes me ? Boo hoo. I'm all broken up. Stay in school kid.

Decatur_Tater didn't lay anything out for anyone. He actually made shit up or is so misguided that he reference his information from London as if it were NY.

The NYSE doesn't rely on anything in London for oil prices. That is plain BS.

You also wouldn't know what is made up and what isn't. From any poster because all you have is news reports. Almost all gov. info that ends up being told by a news organization has been filtered so many times, its hardly worth calling news.

The fact that you have put me on a pedastal and continue direct comments to me means you can't read. I have said repeatedly that the internet is no place to get information or be convinced of anything. Especially about matters of government.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 08:34AM

Why catch him ? with Osama a free man George can do whatever he likes in the name of Anti-terrorism.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 10:16AM

Beast,you would not happen to be a college professor are you?Its amazing the amount of laxative you must have taken,the shit just keeps spewing out.You dont trust anything the media says,look I see bias in the media but not the exagerated view you have.
Decatur_Tater Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 11:12AM

"Bush caused a panic on Wall Street and the price per brl of crude rose dramatically.Speculators assessed the political situation as one that would cut into the supply of crude world wide. The speculators were correct."

The price of oil is global. We, in the US, buy oil in the open market and pay the global price. You keep claiming over and over that Bush did something or other, never spelled out, never mind, that jacked the price of oil up for JUST the US. But you offer no specifics or proof. Just wild claims.

"Leading political scientists, foreign affairs, and anti-terrorism experts site this is a leading reason for instability and terrorist events around the world."

Can you name ONE credible source for such a claim? Doubt that you can. THE leading source for terrorist events around the world is Muslim fanaticism and a desire to destroy Western Civilization while enjoying the fruits of Western Civilization like cellphones, TV, air travel, freedom of movement and association. Your bias blinds you and limits your understanding.

"Countries the US has raped the people and land of; Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Kuwait, UAE to namejust the middle eastern countries"

Huh???? How exactly has the US raped the people and land of Iran? Kuwait (who treat us as heros who threw Saddam out after he RAPED AND PILLAGED their country)? Do you know of a single Kuwaiti who would back up such an absurd and silly baseless accusation? UAE???? Huh?

"The US destroyed Iraq's oil infrastructure knowing that american oil companies would have an inside track to getting contracts and permanent footholds in the country."

Please cite ONE credible source for your accusation. Time, Newsweek, New York Times, etc. If you can not provide a credible source, please cite the source of your "information". The US deliberately and carefully avoided damaging any oil infrastructure as much as possible as that would be counterproductive to helping the country get back on its feet after Saddam was overthrown. The vast majority of the damage was done by IRAQIs...not "freedom fighters" as they don't want freedom for anyone...they are not insurgents either...the correct name for them is terrorists.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 03:51PM

Didn't we used to get all the home movies from that "towel wearer" before ? I mean we saw him on wedings, parties & training videos ? but now zip. nada - only some asshole's voice that says he's that "towel wearer" , come on any arab asshole can say he's mahoma or your momma.
So as long as I don't see that cocksucker dancing again in a video he's a caveass, that is his ass is buried in a cave.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 04:30PM

More a midden than a pedestal (note correct spelling). Where do you get your infallibly correct information, beast? Voices in your head?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 05:41PM


More obfuscation. You intentionally avoided answering the questions. Oooo. I forgot. You can't answer them. You are wannabe expert.

How is this for a source. Congressional record. I guess that is not credible to you.

Newspapers are not sources. Like I said. For matters of government most news items are filtered so many times that it's not worthy of being called news.

There is no such thing as terrorist Muslim fanaticism. Al Qeada has nothing to do with religion. Congressional record. Religion is a recruiting tool for them just conservatives use the bible here in the US.

Politicians are using the catch phrases of "muslim extremists" or "muslim fanaticism" to conceal the fact that those these people may be muslim but they have a legitimate reason for war against the west.

This wouldn't work well with the american electorate to know US leaders have fucked over these people and now these people are retaliating as americans would retaliate.

What are you 25 or younger? That would make sense to your short view of history. You only cite examples of love and praise ofter the raping and pillaging has occured.

The damage to Iraq oil infrastructure was done by American bombs. Congressional record.

Get to work son. You're behind the curve.
John_Stone Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 09:16PM

/Ding! Ding!/ Ok boys, end of Round 1. Back to your corners. 5 mins, wait for the bell, then I want you to come out fighting.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 09:44PM

Open Question To aDCBeast:

If you really work for the US Government as you claim, why don't you spend your time in a more productive manner trying to correct some of the problems you are so quick to point out all the time instead of wasting all day (and our taxpayer's dollars) fucking around on Plus613 and Porn613?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 10:30PM

Come on guys wake up, he's only a 13 year old punk who jack's off on his momma's underwear (probably with pimples on his ass) who gets beaten & fucked in school, oh did I mention that he lives with Alice in wonderland....
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 30, 2005 11:49PM


I love conservatives. They want to place VALUE on everything you do so they can judge it.

I do quite well solving problems at work. But I see politicos manipulate evidence to fit their story. Similar to the Bush crooks on WMDs in Iraq.

My initial interest was to see how propaganda had shaped the minds of aussies. But I have since learned this site has many american visitors. The american propraganda is affecting the white countries who aided in the war. The same exact lies. I can't blame aussies because they accept american and british bs as the gospel.

What makes you think this is the only site I post to ?

If you don't like what I say that's fine. I'm not trying to convince anyone of anything. However I will point out falsehoods when I see them.

My biggest objection to most people is that they don't have information yet they claim to have an informed opinion. News sources have become propaganda tools for government. The reporters themselves don't even know they are telling falsehoods.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 03:23AM

Beast you say Al qaeda is not a muslim group,
Congresswoman Woolsey,
Mr. Speaker, we need to focus our spending on programs and policies that will help ensure the safety of the American people. The war in Iraq will not make Americans safer, because this conflict is causing the United States to be perceived by the Muslim world as a colonial occupier, not as a liberating force. This perception, combined with our continued military presence in Iraq, has assisted radical Muslim terrorist groups like al Qaeda in their recruiting efforts. The result is that 3 1/2 years after September 11 Americans are less safe.
This is one of your girls and shes saying they are a muslim group dumbass!Your turn to show proof.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 03:38AM

Ted Kennedy,
Iraq still suffers heavily from severe electricity shortages. According to the Department of Energy assessment, the causes are numerous, ``including sabotage , looting, lack of security for workers, disruptions in fuel supplies .....''

Congressman Filner,
Iranian intelligence services have pumped millions of dollars and hundreds of operatives into Iraq . In a press conference in October 2004, Iraq's national intelligence chief, Mohammed Al Shahwani, accused Iran's Baghdad embassy of recruiting elements for sabotage operations and assassinations of his intelligence agents. He said that documents showed Iran had a $45-million budget for sowing chaos in Iraq . At least 27 people working in the Iranian embassy in Baghdad were coordinating intelligence gathering operations and assassinations, the spy chief added.

So American bombs huh!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 03:59AM

duane still being tard.

I'll quote myself from above.

Politicians are using the catch phrases of "muslim extremists" or "muslim fanaticism" to conceal the fact that though these people may be muslim, they have a legitimate reason for war against the west.

A perverted view of islam is not the driving. The congressmen told a half truth.

"this conflict is causing the United States to be perceived by the Muslim world as a colonial occupier, not as a liberating force."

"one of my girls" ? WTF ? I'm banging congressperson Woolsey ? Labeling people is for bigots with small minds.

If she is a democrat then you are also plain WRONG! Nice going dumbass.

Your second post fails to say Iran destroyed the oil infrastructure. Why ? because Iran did not.

Check the record again for how the oil infrastructure was destroyed ?

What you cited dealt with a climate to foster civil war in Iraq. To do exactly what I expect to happen in a couple of years. That Iraqi shia will be pushed by Iranian clerics to annex southern Iraq to Iran. And along with it, Iraq's oil fields and Gulf Ports.

If you spent less time trying to rebut me and opened your eyes to the whole picture you just might put an idea together.

But we both know you are obsessed with me and ideas that fracture your little world.
ninepointfiver Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 06:21AM

Sorry, "Beast", I agree with the above, you are either one of those "Nutty Colledge Professors" or you are a teenager that beleives every conspiracy theory that has ever been! I've asked you before what is your age and race and you always dodge the question! The reason I ask is because certain demographics have certain ideas. I would think you are a teen because of your constant refusal to listen to facts and fabrication of your own ideas...I have a cousin like you in colledge so I see right thru it. I would like to say "I pray for you", but I don't pray for the retarded! Gee, aren't I evil!
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:41AM

Beast wrong on all accounts(small minded bigot who continues to call me Duane the Tard,hey you just called yourself a small minded bigot)Those records are from this year,look them up I dare you.You said they were used to foster this war which is a lie.It just shows you throw around the word congressional record to make yourself sound smarter.
I quote you Beast from above,
There is no such thing as terrorist Muslim fanaticism. Al Qeada has nothing to do with religion. Congressional record. Religion is a recruiting tool for them just conservatives use the bible here in the US.
Beast you lie plain and simple.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 03:24PM

aDCBeast claims he works for "Uncle Sam" and his office is at 935 Pennsylvania Ave. That places him at FBI Headquarters, between the White House and the Capitol Building. Based on some of the alleged "secrets" and govenment "manipulation of the public" he refers to in his posts, I'm calling bullshit. I can't imagine an FBI employee posting the kind of crap he does, knowing full well that communications in and out of the building are often monitored for security reasons.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 03:45PM

Of course, if I happen to be wrong, I'm sure he has a squad of special agents on their way to make me "dissapear" for blowing his "cover."

If you never see another post from me, you'll know for sure. AVENGE MY DEATH!!!!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 08:10PM

I'm still alive folks, and no response from Beast yet.

I've been scanning the skies looking for a "hijacked" plane hurteling towards my office building, but so far so good.

Either I hit too close to the mark, and he's bailed, or I'm set up to "get mine" on the way home. Don't worry, I'll check my brake lines and look for extra wires under my car before I turn the ignition!

Come to think of it, I did see some guys in black suits out in the parking lot.... a little bit odd for the end of August!
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 09:47PM


Monitor all communications ? You've been watching too much tv son.

You also have a severe lack on technology knowledge. Bad assumptions will kick your ass.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 09:53PM

duane tha tard

Stop thinking like a tard and then it will change.

I didn't question the records. I said the congresspersons were telling haltruths for political reasons.

Too lazy to look it up Duane the TARD! I'll bet you are a fat ass too. Do the fucking work and look it up.

The fact is you painted yourself in a corner and your stuck.


My age and race are mine. Not yours. And that info would not invalidate what I have said. If you can't handle the truth, which is what I think, then so be it.

You're not evil. Just genetically challenged.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:08PM

I never said they "Monitor all communications"

I said "communications in and out of the building are OFTEN monitored for security reasons."

Would you have us believe that nobody is paying attention to elint going in or out of the FBI headquarters? I find that a little hard to believe.

And I happen to work in a technology related field, so no, I do not have a "severe lack on technology knowledge."

aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:18PM


You're still making a bad assumption. And that bad assumption is showing your severe lack of technology knowledge.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:21PM

If you really work for the FBI, you work pretty closely with the treasury dept and the USSS.

Prove it big boy. What is their code name for Cheney? Better yet, a more obscure one. What is his daughter Mary's codename?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 10:59PM

You're taking way toooooo long beast.

Almost as if you are trying to look up the answers somewhere.
duane Report This Comment
Date: August 31, 2005 11:19PM

Beast,so my fat ass intrests you along with AEon's dick,and ninepointfiver's nuts.It seems you have painted yourself in a corner.Speaking of assumptions your full of them so if anyone is a tard,I mean TURD,its you.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 03:59AM

Anonymous@17333 and TARD

Bin Laden is still loose and you want to talk about me ? Could there be any more juvenile viewpoint ? Nope.

The maerican people are seeing though the bullshit that the Bush administration is shoveling.

Moron Bush goes on a 60 day tour. 60 days. To talk about social security to the american people. American people's response: You're full of it sir.

Moron Bush begins but abruptly ends his "defense" of Iraq for the 25th time and 2 1/2yrs later. American people's response: You're full of it sit.

Bush let Bin Laden get away. He let him get away on purpose.

"he's a person who's now been marginalized". "I don't give much thought" about him.

That is like saying "Jesus has been marginalized and I don't give much thought about him."
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 08:50AM

I thought public servants weren't supposed to show political bias? Shouldn't beast be fired?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 08:55AM

Of course we want to talk about you beast; you're =so= much more interesting than Bin Laden. Your erudition makes you so much more appealing, we're all hanging on your every word of wisdom.
duane Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 09:25AM

That reminded me of John Gielgud from the movie Arthur,funny movie.Beast its not your that concerns us its your stupidity.Bin Laden never got away hes dead dumbass,have you noticed no more films.Shit he was putting out films every week for a while now none,why Beast.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 01:36PM

See DCBeast's 23-y-o wife at:

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 02:58PM

Beast: I notice you dodged my questions, just like you always accuse others of doing when they don't know the answers.

I still call bullshit on you being in the FBI
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 08:04PM


Dodged? Who said I was in the FBI ? That was your poor assumption.

Duane the Tard

What was the part of the deal that spared Bin Laden ? Where would Bin Laden be safe ? What country ?
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 08:06PM


Well 23 ain't what it used to be. A good scag isn't she ?
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 08:15PM


In previous posts, YOU said:

A) you work for "Uncle Sam"

smiley your office is at 935 Pennsylvania Ave.

Fact: 935 Pennsylvania ave is the FBI headquarters.

If you aren't FBI, then you must be a secretary or one of the cleaning ladies!
duane Report This Comment
Date: September 01, 2005 10:22PM

I would supose Iran and we are going to obliterate them soon.
Anarchia Report This Comment
Date: September 02, 2005 06:02AM

Everyone will finally be happy when we bomb some more things! It'll be just like Halo2, only real.
duane Report This Comment
Date: September 02, 2005 10:55AM

If a group of people in our country tried to wage war on another country our secret service would be on them in a second even if it were a muslim country.Yet these governments like Iran and Syria send money and train soldiers and send them to Iraq,where they kill more innocent people then soldiers and they are refered to by brilliant people like M.Moore as freedom fighters.Cut off the head.
Anarchia Report This Comment
Date: September 02, 2005 04:15PM

Just like how the US sent covert troops and training to Nicaragua in the 80's to hit "soft targets" (ie. terrorist attacks on civilians), and the secret service just stopped 'em cold! Yep, that was great.
aDCBeast Report This Comment
Date: October 07, 2005 02:32AM


The SS gets on people quickly because we live in the 4th Reich.

The US has sponsored more terrorism worldwide than all other nations combined. Most of it in Arab nations.

Understand why 9-11 happened now ?

White Protestant control freaks caused 9-11 with 130 years of muslim oppression.