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Imagine Reunification/Unite Cascadia
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Imagine Reunification/Unite Cascadia

"a map of the state of washington"

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Comments for: Imagine Reunification/Unite Cascadia
acascadian Report This Comment
Date: July 12, 2005 10:58AM

that might make a good T-shirt

Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 12, 2005 11:09AM

thanx here is another site too of the same person:

Mr_Sarcasm Report This Comment
Date: July 12, 2005 02:09PM

Unite Canada with what? The U.S. like it should have been in the first place? I say we annex it and turn it into the 51st state...who's with me?
Mint Report This Comment
Date: July 12, 2005 02:54PM

doesnt say canada
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 12, 2005 04:59PM

Typical American. Cant even read
not_an_Amerikan Report This Comment
Date: July 12, 2005 09:14PM

Amerikans are so dumb! And yes "Amerikan" is spelt with a "k" to indicate that the United States is a fascist empire. I have travelled around the world and have lived in many different countries and I can safely say Amerikans are stupid! Other cultures have lots of people who are ignorant due to lack of resources or lack of empowerment due to oppression, but Amerikans! they are down right dumb! They have so much access to all sorts of information (even alternative media away from the corporate owned and editied media) and yet because their educational system teaches them to comply and obey they lack the very curiousity to rise to ignorance. So this makes them dumb, dumb, dumb! I would rather talk to some one uneducated with natural curiousity as opposed to Amerikans who have access to knowledge but lack the curiousty to inform themselves or even care to read a God Damn line on a poster. By the Gods, Amerikans are dumb!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 12, 2005 09:58PM

"Reunification"? Cascadia sounds like a great idea, but it will have to be unified for the first time before it can be re-unified. Anyway, I seriously wonder if Vancouver/B.C. would really consider joining a Cascadian nation... They got it fairly good up there, and the crazy people down here would have to get some sense into them first.. hmmm.. it's a long shot, but it's so crazy.. IT JUST MIGHT WORK!
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2005 01:22AM

Think of it the other way. Would Vancouver BC and the rest of BC except Oregon, Washington and Northern California? And then there is Idaho, Western Montana and the Alaskan Panhandle (that might take major economic crises before they wake up). What will be the tipping point for 'southern Cascadians" to get pissed enough to say "to Hell with Fascist Amerika!" Will it be a draft? Economic collapse? The erosion of state's rights (in the form of taking away Death With Dignity, Medical Marjuana use or the total destruction of the state's National Guards)? Will it be "Peak Oil"?

As for the region being one region in the past. It actually was one region prior to 1846 Oregon Treaty after two years of military threat by the US expansionist President James Knox Polk. Polk caused huge diplomatic chaos with his presidential campaign of "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!" in 1844. He even fortified the existing Canadian-US border of the time hoping for a conflict with the British. Most modern Amerikans do not realize that American foriegn policy that Polk and Jackson pushed for radically changed US foriegn policy from a isolationist democractic republic to an imperialist anti-European country under Polk. Most modern Amerikans also do not have the education to understand the division in the US over Polk and Jackson's decision to create an expansionist policy. These men are often portrayed in modern reconstructionist history, but almost brought the US to civil conflict several times.

rogue_1 Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2005 01:35PM

What the FUCK is a Cascadia
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2005 04:58PM

you all have clearly been endulging in too much Cascadian Bud!
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 13, 2005 05:21PM

Just imagine drinking Molson Cascadian. I bet it would taste good, mmmmm.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2005 06:26AM

well though I am for the legalization of herb for medical and even a mild relaxent for those who choice to partake of that... as well as .. actally especially for industrial hemp.. I for one have never taken the herb in its inhalent nor edable form.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2005 10:49AM

Fucking Canadians,such a fine and upstanding group of people.To bad you let the twits lead you.Yeti why dont you talk to your government and see if they would like to follow through with the changes.The 90% of your population living within 150 miles of the U.S. border can finaly become American.Maybe your government could try to take it back,then we could send our Salvation Army to kick your ass.Why do more than 90% of your population live within 150 miles of the U.S.,because your fucking leaches.You work here,we might as well just make you and Mexico states so we could stop supporting your sorry asses.Dipshit!
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2005 11:00PM

Duane, what government? Please learn to read, Duane .. it does not say "Canada" it says "Cascadia!" I think you are so stupid that you do not realize that most Cascadians are technically "Americans".. let me translate this for you "We want out of the Fascist Dictatorship you call America" All elections in the US are not democratic .. they are all based on how much money the candidates have or the corporation sponsoring them (democrat or republican). This is not a demcracy it is a plutocracy. Duane you prove that Amerikans are totally dumb and can not read. And then the dumb as Amerikans ask "why do they want to leave the US?" Unfortunately most Amerikans are too dumb to fathom that, because they can not even read a poster that says "Cascadia" not "Canada".

90% of the Canadian polutation lives in the most southern climatic zone of Canada because ... of agriculture and patterns of migration across Canada.

"stop supporting your sorry asses".. are you serious? or on Meth? How many US Americans go to Canada per month for lower priced medication?

This all reflects a class war by the corporate elite against the American masses and that class warfare starts with the destruction of public education and the undermining of critical thinking skills. Our (Us American) educational systems (based on the Prussian school system) only produces followers and complience who are nationalistically blind followers of hate. That hate is preached by the corporation and redistributed to the masses in the form of corporate media, Hollywood fantasy and a mythology of national fallacies.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 14, 2005 11:05PM


Cascadia is....

Cascadia is that land and thought at the edge of the worlds. Some have called Cascadia a "state of mind" while others point out that Cascadia is a real place defined by its geology, biodiversity and shared communities. Cascadia does often appear as the eternal Terra Incognito (the land of the unknown) that is shrouded in mystery just outside of the mind and geography, but it is that sense of mystique that makes Cascadia such a unique and real place.

Nestled between the North Pacific Ocean and the Continental Divide of the North American Continent lays a complex region formed from ongoing geological events and continuous climatic factors. Several regional mountain ranges catch the moisture of the Pacific as it passes on its way east. The Columbia, the Willamette and the Frazer rivers with their contributaries and other riparian systems cut through the basalt and granite mountains of this region providing rich alluvium soil. The region can be defined by this great water cycle that is powered and fed back into the Pacific Ocean. All the regional rivers, streams and creeks eventually flow back towards the Pacific. The region's farthest eastern frontiers lay on the western slopes of the Rocky Mountains where the spring melt begins its return to the Pacific. This is a region rich in biodiversity, history and cultures. It is a land that is shaped by geologic, oceanic, climatic and perceptional forces.

Today sociologists, geographers and ecologists are redefining regions based on the commonality of the ecological systems and the human interactions within geographic systems called bioregions. The North Eastern Pacific east to the continetal divide is called Cascadia. The Cascadian bioregion encompassing the territories of the Alaskan Panhandle, British Columbia, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, northern California and western Montana as well as very small portions of other near by states and provinces. Cascadia is geographically the Columbia River Watershed and the area around the Cascade Range. Cascadia's farthest extent is from northern California to the Alaskan Panhandle and from the Pacific to the Continental Divide.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2005 09:46AM

"the rest of BC except Oregon, Washington and Northern California"? Since when were these places in BC?
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2005 10:54AM

Anonymous, please read! BC and Oregon, Washington (State not DC), Idaho, Western Monntana were once considered the same territory called the Oregon Country. BC was renamed Britsh Columbia after President Polk (he lived in the 1840s) saber-rattled (threatened war) against the British if they did not drop all political claims on the Oregon Country which is now part of the United States. British Columbia, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and even western Montana were all considered one region called Oregon. Today many people in this region are now awakening to this historical usurping by the Atlantic Empires and we are calling ourselves Cascadians (not Canadians for those you can not read the picture above).

Here one more time for people too stupid to read the above responses (yes I mean Amerikans.. after all they are the dumbest people on this planet.. maybe I should write slowly for them to understand):

As for the region being one region in the past. It actually was one region prior to 1846 Oregon Treaty after two years of military threat by the US expansionist President James Knox Polk. Polk caused huge diplomatic chaos with his presidential campaign of "Fifty-Four Forty or Fight!" in 1844. He even fortified the existing Canadian-US border of the time hoping for a conflict with the British. Most modern Amerikans do not realize that American foriegn policy that Polk and Jackson pushed for radically changed US foriegn policy from a isolationist democractic republic to an imperialist anti-European country under Polk. Most modern Amerikans also do not have the education to understand the division in the US over Polk and Jackson's decision to create an expansionist policy. These men are often portrayed in modern reconstructionist history, but almost brought the US to civil conflict several times.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2005 10:55AM

"We want out of the Fascist Dictatorship you call America"You dumb fucking asshole if not for the U.S your ass would be speaking Russian or German depending on who got here first and who could hold on.You speak as if were fascist,yet we debate and vote on everything,we elect our officials.Being very proud and happy with my government, you can just suck my dick.When you get done dreaming and wake the fuck up,just remember Im the one living in reallity.I guess in between your dreams of other men you came up with this notion that there were a whole lot of people who felt this way."Duane you prove that Amerikans are totally dumb and can not read."You cant even spell AMERICA,yet you call me dumb,you syphalistic offspring of a back alley gangfuck.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2005 08:27PM

Ecotopian,I =did= read! You wrote "the rest of BC =except= Oregon, Washington and Northern California", which clearly implies that those states are part of BC. Is it just possible that you meant =accept=? Of course, if you weren't so far up yourself, you might have realised that some of us don't take this topic quite as seriously as you obviously do.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 15, 2005 11:43PM

ok lets put that back into context:

Someone else wrote:

"Anyway, I seriously wonder if Vancouver/B.C. would really consider joining a Cascadian nation"

Then I wrote:

"Think of it the other way. Would Vancouver BC and the rest of BC except Oregon, Washington and Northern California?"

Let me translate that would the people of "Northern Cascadia" (which is mostly British Columbia) be willing "except" a working together as a single socio-political cooperative of Pacific NorthWest states from Fascist America.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2005 12:16AM


There was blantant election frauds in the USA. We have been fascist basically since the Cold War. Some people would argue we have been a form of "soft fascism" a little longer than that. Just to educate you Benito Mussolini (the father of fascism) defined fascism as "Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State and corporate power." President Eisenhower warned of the Military-Industrial Complex in 1961. President Eisenhower feared that the Military-Industrial Complex would eventually control the government and create wars purely to make profit and to keep the war machine running. Before the Cold War there was a crucial event that has been mostly "deleted" from Amerikan text books which was the attempted Coup d'État of the United States by Corporatists (Fascists.. big busness) by hiring U.S. Marine Corps Major General Smedley Butler. Butler was to lead a military coup against the popular President FDR. Butler (a true American patriot and if all Americans were like him I would still count myself as American) refused to lead the coup and infact warnned the American citzenry that Fascist were trying to take over the government. You will not see this in American text books because the coup ended up happening slowly and quietly over the last few decades. Our elections are all fraud. This is not about Democrats or Republicans, but about wealthy busnessmen who want to make you a wage-slave and undermined your way of life for their profit margins. These busnessmen have manipulated political parties and elections to purely look like a democracy, but the reality is that the rich get richer; and the middle class and poor are getting poorer.

"I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents." Excerpt from a speech delivered in 1933 by Major General Smedley Butler, USMC

"Fascism, which was not afraid to call itself reactionary... does not hesitate to call itself illiberal and anti-liberal." Benito Mussolini

Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2005 12:29AM


As for taking this forum serious.. well obviously this whole site is actually geared for wankers like Duane to masterbate over hairbushed pictures, because he can not get layed. I have posted this for another reason that has little to do with this dialogue. In fact if no one responded I would prefer that, but since they are I will educate some of you. I have an ulterior motive for posting this that has nothing to do with the vast majority of jack-offs who are too busy getting their keyboards sticky. But that motive is my busness.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2005 01:26AM

yes I meant accept
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2005 03:27AM

I was gone for a minute and you started sucking dick again.Please stop talking,Shit is not supposed to speak.Your leaving your liberal brown streaks all over the place.Why are you so jealous of my country you probably dont even live here.I love my country and dont see the fascism your speaking of.I love what Bush is doing and so do most people that I know.Whatever college campus or tea sipping group your a member of must be very narrow minded if you cant see the freedoms that we and I enjoy.Things like argueing about politics with a stupid fucker like yourself.Democracy and Capitolism works and you dont like it,so you try to shit on it.You think that what the liberals are doing is right,like no death penalty,all the abortions you can stomach even for kids who will have to live with the choice even if the guilt is to much to bear.I have family members who have and both regret it,one was 14.I spent 3 years of my life on drugs and alcahol with no residence and I still dont see where liberals come from with the idea that government should take care of everyone who will not do it for themselves.Liberals champion people like rapists,child molesters, and worse Bill Clinton.For 8 years he sat back and did nothing while the terrorists grew balls bombing the world trade center twice,khobar towers,U.S. embasy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania,the USS Cole in Yemen,he was impeached for perjury and how about this we go to war in Kosovo and Clinton says its to stop ethinic cleansing because over 100,000 people had been killed by ethinic cleansing.That number turned out to be 2788 by NATO counting and not all of them were war crime victims.I say all this because he is the championed liberal even today.Liberals are pro:abortion,gay,larger central government,taking away all firearms(which is a right protected in our constitution)Conservatives are pro:Life(exept for convicted killers),want a smaller central government,pro flag,pro church,anti-abortion.Really I think your a dildo so dont be surprised if someone else tells you that.You love liberals well you can have em,well on second thought no we have such a variety of people that make up our country who vote and determine our direction its called democracy and I may not like them but they are American and they are welcome but your not.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2005 06:11AM

Duane, where are you from?
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2005 06:34AM

wait before you answer that with your typical sexual insults I am just curious what area you live in and the economic as well as demographic make up of the area. Also I am curious as to your educational level. Did you go to higher education or was it even an option?
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2005 10:07AM

And you must be a college professor,Im from Maryland,I have 1 year of college,I own a small buisness where I provide Installation services.Its a peninsula with flat land and the largest industry is chickens.What a higher education has to do with God given common sense is what I would like you to answer.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2005 05:23PM

Duane seems to be convincing evidence that the American education system is failing.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2005 09:58PM

Ive advocated student vouchers for a long time.When the federal government took over it went right to hell in a hand basket.Everything that the federal government touches turns to shit,look at social security.Look at the military paying $600.00 for a hammer and $10,000.00 for a toilet seat.Put private industry in charge and make the records public.Institute checks and balances and government inspectors that check monthly.Gives states back more control and shrink the federal government.Catholic schools in NY had a graduation rate of 98% in a research study awhile back but the public schools had a graduation rate of 67%.They have no control over the students because the kids know they dont have to live up to any standards.Im not catholic but given the circumstances I would send my kids there just because of the attention they would recieve.Ive also read that for every $3.00 taken for schools only $1.00 makes it to the actual school(federalized systems dont work).I failed 8th grade and was put in christian school for 4 years.My grades went from D's to B's quick I got married when I was 17 because my girlfreind got pregnant.My school would not allow me to return so I went to public school in Delaware and stoped going to school and finaly quit becuase there was no control on me and I needed it.I went to college and finished one year but came home from the military.Ive lived it,I was unrully,undisciplined and the christian school had time for me because they were able to make it with more money,because the tuition went strait to them.Private schools just do better and the government cant manage money.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2005 02:02AM


I am in a very "blue" county within a very "blue" state and work at a very "blue" college. There is practically no "left" here. I do not know when the last time you set foot on a "liberal" campus, but I see systematic take over of all the various schools here by money-oriented beaurocrats who will censor anything their "upper middle class" alumni objects to and will also put "right wing activists' in positions of power claiming "well this is fair because 30 years ago the left was this or that". Ultimately education is not being undermined by "left" or "right" but by corporations with hidden adgendas to make sure that their advertisement (usually sponsoring sporting events) is not associated with a institution that might be doing socially uncomfortable material. We have seen the systematic destruction of educated dialogue for silent compliance. My college was one of the more "radical" and out spoken campuses in the USA and yet when you walk its campus especially during a political campaign season their is practically dead air. Most students today are far more concerned about whether they will make enough money for tuition or have those two part time jobs to pay the cell phone bill. Think about the average 18 to 22 year old out there with their gameboys, Reality TV crap, high fruitose suger, consumerism, instant gratification, disatification with anything not in fashion, piss-water that passes as beer, junk food and all the other artificalalities of modern America. We have managed within our over stimulated society to create a several ADD generations. I do not see the huge protests over the ousting of a clandestine agent by Karl Rove nor do I hear protests over cuts in social services, finacial aid, veterans benifits and all the undermining of the social institutions that are part of the "social contract" that our foreparents believed in during the Enlightenment.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2005 10:16AM

Then lets take it out of the government hands and privatize it,and make the records and statements public.I have ADD,I was on medication for 7 years from 7 to 14.That shit is bad news,for almost a whole year I would go to class and in second period would be happy as a lark and all the sudden break out crying.If you have kids that are on it they wont want to tell you because they will feel out of place,wierd.If anyone has kids that are on it they might get better grades but they will be slightly twisted and depressed,and this is comming from someone who has done drugs(weed,hash,coke,acid and greens)and niether of them made me cry.This shit is fucking up our kids heads.My duaghter was thought to have ADD and stayed with my X,when she was 14 she moved in with me and was close to failing.I made her study for two hours each school night,needless to say it took her second reportcard for her to notice that she was getting A's and B's(her first report card was why I made her study so long).After that I left it up to her and she only slid once but brought it back and is now going to be a senior.The kids are smart they just need guidance not medicine.About social security youre right both have dipped,it should be privatized,government will allways be tainted nomatter what kind,I just like ours because of the checks and balances and freedom of speech and bill of rights and constitution,I could run on but have to go to work.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2005 09:44PM

Well that is happening now with Halliburton and Kellog-Brown and Root. All those million dollar toilet seats and hammers were not simply due to military corruption in the 1980s it was also like Halliburton taking contracts for providing food for soldiers and breaking the contracts and cutting vality and raising costs.

What is needed is to re-educate the population as to what "democracy" is. A democracy on this scale be it the US or France or any other system that makes your vote seem like "just another number in a sea of numbers" is not an effect democracy.. infact it is a plutocracy with the projected image of apathetic uninformed republic. You want democracy? It starts in your neigbhorhood. It starts with a dialogue with your neigbhors, friends, co-workers and family.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2005 10:01PM

As for the massive ADD in our population. It comes from a variety and combination of things. One is the creation of alienation of suburbia which has led to the breakdown of the extended family structure that is important for our species. Another is that the food in this society and other industrial societies is extremely unhealthy with pesticides, growth hormones, preservatives, genetic modification, colorings and a whole host of toxins. Look at the numbers of health issues that haunt post industrial countries and industrializing countries like ADD, allergies, diabetes, obesity, over active thyroid, under active thyroid and a host of other symptoms of toxic food and now water. Yes, post industrial people live longer, but the quality of life is declining. Workaholism is another factor in American continous illness. Workaholism can lead to other physical manifestations that adds to the complications of toxic food in a post-industrial society such as lower attention span, obesity, apathy, heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes and a host of other illnesses now taken as just normal aging processes. But have you noticed that these illnesses are increasing among children.

As a conservative who believes in appropriate funding and being conservative with my money I 100% believe it is more affective for use to have universal healthcare, because the system we currently have costs more and ends up with far more corruption by pharmeutical companies, hospitals and insurance agencies.
Cynic Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2005 10:20PM

.....and you think that Cascadia would be the new Utopia, free of all these ills?
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2005 11:12PM

France and Canadas health care system are a joke,we have a medical system that is second to none so I would rather deal with the coruption then deal with a waiting list for an emergency.Plus I dont want a second rate system that works like the DMV.I also dont want a second rate doctor taking care of delicate surgery or to have to leave the country to get treatment for special case problems.I agree our system could use improvement but not a new system.We need public exposure of books and records,and also removal of the corupt.We need to have less federal control and more local control,that way when you vote its closer to home and it could not hurt to have more geographical representation,like your cascadia.More local control would remove special intrests enough to remove allot of coruption.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2005 02:10AM


No... it is not a utopia. Nor is Cascadia the solution for everything. It is not and will not be free from all ills, but at least a democratic Cascadia of a future could at least address issues on a more regional and local level. Cascadia already exists. It is not a nation-state. It is a bioregion. Yes I would love to see smaller regional decision making that is not dictated by a federal and centralized government that is now bought by the corporations.


No all unversal healthcare systems are like the Canadian, French or British systems. And transparency is the key to any institution that deal with the people or is controlled by the people.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2005 11:11AM

Red tape,3 dollars in 1 dollar out,socialized healthcare will burnden the economy to much.I do agree with transparency.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2005 08:14PM


for every dollar Oregon or Washington puts into the Federal pot we get back 60 cents to 80 cents back. States like Kentucky, Texas and other southern red states make more money staying in te federal system. That money Oregonians and Washingtonians contribute could go to our healthcare systems or better give complete universal healthcare in Cascadia. Our sister states of Cascadia have been literally destroyed by being in this bad federation. Maybe its is a good deal for Maryland, but its bad for us in the Pacific Northwest (Cascadia).
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 19, 2005 11:47PM

My point is not that it is a good system but it is the one in use now for our schools.Tell me something why is it that our schools as I am told by elders used to teach latin manditory now its not manditory but spanish is pushed hard.If you want to understand law you had better have and understanding,or science,medicine,history and a many of other things.I dont understand the move to spanish but I also dont understand the push for more emphasis on anything but english,science,math and history.Things like computors and buisness can be incorperated into these and tought.There 7 or 8 periods in school but not enough money or time or teachers to teach our kids what they need to survive.While music,gym,study hall,and foreign language might seem important I dont see many of the people who graduate becoming interpreters,paid to play music,atheletes or profesional studiers.My point is that this portion of society is small compared to the jobs that make the gears go round.Managers,laborers,salesman,services,and so on.If you take that money and apply it to teachers salary and more in depth time in the essentials you could get better results.Those other things can be after school things.If you actually go to a gym class youll see what I mean.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2005 05:52AM

Well Duane the answer to why we have dropped Latin is a lecture I do about the rise of nationalism and the attempt to get rid of the "old guard". It is true that now if you wish to be of the elite class via education you must know some Latin (medicine and law), but to even get to that "choice" in life the odds are you would have had to be born of the elite or exceptional in the lower classes.

Spanish... well that is obvious in states were Spanish is growing as the second largest language group. I personally believe every student who has the ability should learn at least one language that is not spokan in the household be it Spanish, Russian, German, American sign language, Hebrew, Japanese or whatever. When one learns a second language it can only help with one's native language because then one starts to see gramatical structures in comparison.

Our dominate educational system in this country is based on the Prussian educational system. Which was to not make critical thinkers, but to teach YOU how to comply to authority! The goal of public school was to teach you only one language so that you could not share insights or mix your "nationhood" with other peoples. The elite were not to be of public school and were to learn Latin and other languages in private schools. The current push for second languages is a pretty recent development as some minorities question the system. The goal of the Prussian school system for the average people was to teach them to be good nationalists and soldiers! To give you just enough ablity to read and write to read a sign saying "Warning: Highly Explosive" as you lit up a cigerette in your uniform in that conscripted military that we (lower classes) are suppose to be in.

Look up "Prussian Education System" in google.

This is why I started telling my students "question everything including me!" several years ago.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2005 04:40PM

Parents do have choices but they are to busy in our two income society to care.You said it earlier the main focus is not on food or rent its games and partys and the latest clothes.I still say the fabric on which we were started and our heritage is being ripped out from under our feet.Parents are failing to raise their children and the government cant do it right anyway.The governmnent cant fix these problems only the people.If you look at when this started to be a problem its when we became more wealthy,people dont care as long as they get their fix of goods.They are taking religion out of everything and loosly defineing morals.A specific beleif system is nessasary for this government to work and this is changing so fast its crazy.I beleive this is where it started.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2005 10:01PM

Parents are not "too busy" to care.. they simply can not afford it. Yes many families have at least two incomes just to survive and many have more than two incomes coming in with no health coverage. Look around you and ask how many people you know in the middle class are indebt just to survive. The American Dream is becoming an Amerikan Nightmare. 98.9% of the American population have no clue about the Pyramid Scheme they are in with the Corporations. The game is pass on the debt to the middle class before the economy collapses so that the middle class and upper lower class are stuck with the debt burden as corporations move off shore laughing to Chinese and Swiss banks. Remember after 9/11 "be a patriot and buy a truck" and now you are stuck with the debt and gas prices. The US rates 46th on life expectency in the world. The US has the highest infant mortality rate in any post-industrial country.

Religion? please remember that most of the founder fathers of the US were Deists. Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, John Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, James Madison and others were all Deists. Deitism believes that there is a SuperNatural Being (the Great Watchmaker) who set the world in motion and then stays out of the universe. Deists also believe Jesus was just a man.. though many like Thomas Jefferson would say Jesus was a socio-political revolutionary who was later misunderstood as a "god" or son of. Jefferson even republished the bible editing out all miracles especially those associated with Jesus called The Jefferson Bible []

Read up on Deism []

Lincoln too was a Deist.

I think Deism is a great religion and since it was the religion of the founding fathers it would be a great "specific beleif system" that "is nessasary for this government to work" if you are going to think that way.
haha Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2005 08:42AM

I was readin this stuff in here. Yeti why are you trying to teach a wage-slave how to think. He wont understand unless you are dominating him with a whip just like the slavemasta use to do. This time the slave are just dumb-folk. Its like Arthur Frayn as Zardoz teaching Zed the power of the gun, reading and freedom. It is not until Zed finally has the sacred book in Zed's face that Zed realizes the book is "The Wizard of Oz" and that Zardoz (wiZARDofOZ) is a merely man behind a veil and pulling strings to manipulate people with fear. So Zed kills Zardoz (Arthur Frayn) with the gun that Zardoz provided him with. Yet Arthur Frayn actually planned his own death because he did not wish to be immortal.

haha Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2005 11:02AM

I was readin this stuff in here. Yeti why are you trying to teach a wage-slave how to think. He wont understand unless you are dominating him with a whip just like the slavemasta use to do. This time the slave are just dumb-folk. Its like Arthur Frayn as Zardoz teaching Zed the power of the gun, reading and freedom. It is not until Zed finally has the sacred book in Zed's face that Zed realizes the book is "The Wizard of Oz" and that Zardoz (wiZARDofOZ) is a merely man behind a veil and pulling strings to manipulate people with fear. So Zed kills Zardoz (Arthur Frayn) with the gun that Zardoz provided him with. Yet Arthur Frayn actually planned his own death because he did not wish to be immortal.

duane Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2005 11:09AM

Dude your funny,but Yeti I live in the enviorment that you say is so horrible and you know I kinda like it but I know Im fooled into enjoying myself.In the society I live in its practicle to think I can make enough money to buy a SUV (if motivated enough to not get health insurance and buy the latest X-Box)in your version Im guranteed enough to buy a chevy spectrum but I have subpar health care acrossed the board and board games for all.Im sure you put alot of thought into this but you just dont have the perspective of the common american.I went for years without healthcare,hell I spent three years couch surfing.I know what is going on with kids now days,Hollywood and the music industry have painted a picture and created a subculture and the people who did it used freedom of speech and no censureship to accomoplish it,now you talk of socialized medicine as if the government knows how to manage money and will not be crooked in your system everything you have said is know not worth the page you have wrote it on.You should look at your beliefs you have no convictions exept this government is fascist no matter the election or the freedom of speech in our system,something else is allways better.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2005 08:13PM


I assure you we live in different cultures yet the same country. You are an American and I do not deny you of your identity, but many of us (not all yet) in the "Pacific NorthWest" do not get the luxaries you have nor do we want the system that you cherish. Please hold to your country and let us go. Cascadians will not threaten your borders or take your cars... just let us go. That is all we want from you. Its like a bad marriage.. why would a spouse want to stay in a marriage with someone that does not love them? The wedding was a shotgun wedding when you re-read history. I think it is best for both of our interests to Divorce.. so let Cascadia go.
Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2005 09:45PM

Yes - please, =please= let Cascadia far as possible
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2005 10:30PM

You get no arguement from me,I have no particaular tie to that part of the country but you will have to buy it in my eyes or you can ceseed which would end in war in either case Im not the one you have to convince Im all for it just take califonia and Ill support you.All the movie stars,liberals,imagration problems we will even throw in Disney World the Lakers,49ers,and Clippers.Im not hard to convince.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2005 11:23PM

I would welcome California especially since northern California ia the southern tip of Cascadia. But that all would have to be up to them. I now of people in the Great Lakes area too who want out as well as people in Arizona.

Buy? buy what? the way i see it the US American government and the red states owe us for all the money and lives we sent to build the current armies. You owe us not the other way around. The "red states" have been welfare states or third world states within a federal system for decades and seeing them deal with their race issues, lack of education, poverty and hurricanes on their own while the world watches would be revenge enough.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2005 06:49AM

I have no problems with the latest immigrates to this area except I wish all people (even those of European ancestory) would stop fleeing problems and start resolving problems. I can careless if Cascadia speaks English, Hindi, Chinese, Spanish, Chinook Jargon, a merger of all langauges or some alien communative farts. I can also careless what the genetic make up what Cascadians are as long as they are not all inbred like we stereotype in some parts of the US. Race is a social construct and the real issue is racism, ethnic chauvinism and gender bias and stereotypes. To me everyone should have universal health care regardless of national origin. Those employers hiring illegal workers are the ones who should be penalized by paying for the healthcare and education of the worker and theie families and dependants. If that was done how many jobs would be available for illegal workers? Do you think there would be a steady stream of workers illegally crossing the borders? Do you think the employers would take that chance to be caught and forced to pay such heavy fines? See currently we pretend to punish the uneducated immigrate, but if you make it undesirable or too costly to hire illegally then the issues disappears. And before you say "who will do the jobs of the current migrate worker?" Well the current legal migrate and non-migrate worker would.

Anonymous Report This Comment
Date: July 23, 2005 10:31AM

What are you on, Ecotopian, and where can I buy it?
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 04:21AM

no Anonymous@29124 you can not buy it though the fascists would love to "own" it and sell it. Its being with Nature and thinking instead of being a blind follower like most of the dumb Amerikans.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 24, 2005 04:26PM

Hug a tree hippy!
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2005 04:55AM


I find trees alot more sensable than your sorry ass. And as for "hugging trees" yes I do hug them and talk to them .. and as for your fucked up version of Christianity .. alot of us out here worship Mother Nature as Goddess...

We are so much different even though we are forced to be in the same "country"

so little man go masterbate looking at porn613 pictures.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2005 05:05AM

Let me just add something Duane. I actually hate your kind. You and your fucked up kind is killing this planet and oppressing the planet. YOu are dying out, because of your own hate and ignorance. In every post you do spreads hate be it racism, sexism, classism, religious chauvinism and blind nationalism. Know this final thing: you are a dying breed! You and your kind will die out like the dinosaur and that die out will be by your own ignorance, because the people you should have accepted as family and friends will rise up to destroy you simply by overpopulating you! The sad thing for the rest of us is that destruction of you and your kind will lead to the near destruction of humanity. But youare too dumb to understand that.
Anthropocentrist Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2005 09:02AM

Ecotwit, in your last post, you are exhibiting all the nasty characteristics of which you accuse Duane. In accusing him of being "too dumb" (he is, of course, but not the way you mean), you demonstrate your own dumbness in allowing yourself to be brainwashed into your deluded state of idealism. See a psychiatrist and get help to join the real world.
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2005 08:50PM

Duane, you are a good Nazi
Ecotopian_Yeti Report This Comment
Date: July 25, 2005 08:55PM

Anthropocentrist, thank you for reminding me not to play this game. Even when I was writing a response I hesitated thinking about accounts from Israeli officers in the occupied territory saying about the Palestinians "I hate you for what you made me become".
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2005 03:08AM

Yeti your opinion seems to be the only one that matters to you and you seem to know it all I guess the trees told you.Your just a jerk and boy for you to think yourself above me just fucking makes me laugh!Too much time on your hands but not enough convincing answers to debates,you must be a great teacher,all the best qualities.Face it your idea is stupid and so are you for thinking there is a possibility of it happening.Fucking loony,you should be glad someone actually debates your ass and gives you the oportunity to discuss your crazy thoughts.You fucking hug trees dumbass,and you talk to them.Do they help you make discisions,or relieve your emotional stress,do you pray to them?Ill leave it up to the readers on this page to figure out who is nuts or talks to them untill then have a nice day.
Anthropocentrist Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2005 08:21AM

We'd already figured that out. You're =both= nuts.
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 26, 2005 10:54PM

Thats what Ive been saying,wait a minute........
duane Report This Comment
Date: July 27, 2005 12:12AM

Im trying for a record in dialog on one page!