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4368 empty seats for kids killed by guns since 2020
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4368 empty seats for kids killed by guns since 2020

"a parking lot with many buses"

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Comments for: 4368 empty seats for kids killed by guns since 2020
Peter Puller Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2022 02:46AM

HR 6538: creating an Active Shooter Alert System.
Democrats voted 217 yea, 1 nay -- Republicans voted 43 yaa, 168 nay.
It's almost like they want more busses.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2022 11:40PM

Yes, they do want trouble. You only have to read this article (Australia).

Solution: money can hurt. So, get out of Breton Woods and all that money trickles back home, effectively quantative easing, but in the hands of the many, not the few.
Anon Report This Comment
Date: July 16, 2022 11:41PM

Oops... for got the article:

pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 17, 2022 04:05PM

"HR 6538: creating an Active Shooter Alert System.
Democrats voted 217 yea, 1 nay -- Republicans voted 43 yaa, 168 nay.
It's almost like they want more busses."

Or maybe because they actually read the bill and saw that it was just more bullshit that won't make anyone safer, and in fact may make things worse.

One example:

p.s. More Americans are killed every year by illegal aliens driving drunk in this country than are killed by "assault" rifles...
pulse Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2022 02:43AM

I'd really like to see the source of stats on that, because I'm calling bullshit smiling

... There were 35,766 fatal motor vehicle crashes in the United States in 2020 in which 38,824 deaths occurred ...
... The 45,222 total gun deaths in 2020 were by far the most on record ...

Yes, I know that's ALL gun deaths not just assault weapons. It's also ALL car deaths not just those driven by drunken illegal immigants takin' yer jerbs. It's funny though. When the road tolls start rising, governments globally insist manufacturers make cars safer by implementing safety measures, developments and controls. Guns are too hard though and might make things worse..

The road toll in my state went up 10% in 2021 vs 2020 (ignore most people weren't driving much in 2020) and the government shit themselves calling for action. 211 people in a state of nearly 7 million (down from 266 in 2019). You guys have 332 million population, vs our 27 million, or 12.2 times the population. We have around 1200 road fatalities a year vs ~36K US; that's 30x as many.

I won't mention covid deaths. Maybe you guys just like dying? smiling
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 18, 2022 04:03PM


Over half of the deaths were suicides.
As for the murders..
The US has the 3rd highest murder rate in the world.
However, if you remove Chicago, Detroit, Washington DC, ST. Louis, and Philadelphia then the US would be 189th out of 193 countries in the world. All five of those cities have strict gun control laws and are controlled by Democrats. Check the census reports for those cities too and see who loves there, is it blacks or whites?

As for the car deaths...
I've been saying this for literally decades at this point; it is way to easy to get a driver's license in the US.
and now we have this problem.. []
Anon Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2022 01:40AM

Pro_junior is comprehending the link between culture and behaviour I see.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 20, 2022 12:38PM

And it couldn't possibly be that the cultures in those cities are the result of centuries of systematic racism and the proliferation of weapons there due to the ease of obtaining them outside the relatively small borders of the cities and ease of transporting them in. I suspect the cities' bans on firearms that seem futile are more of a message that the weapons aren't wanted there and and aid in removing them from where they do so much harm when they are found.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 21, 2022 03:34PM

nice word salad there...

Is systemic racism to blame in the cities with a population that has a black majority population?

The problem is caused by growing up in home without a father figure with no discipline and no responsibility.
Add rap culture to that and media that glorifies thug behavior...

Young black boys/men have poor impulse control and are prone to violence.
If you think I'm wrong about that just go to one of these large cities with a large black population, find a group of them and ask them if that's true.
pulse Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2022 03:38AM

Start the question with "sup nigga?" smiling

My father left home when I was young, and Straight Outta Compton by NWA was one of my favourite albums. Sadly I never became a murderous gangster. I might've if I had access to guns though smiling
Anon Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2022 06:17AM

I think Quasi wrote that late at night, when he shouldn't have, so it's not clear.

Regards culture, I was first exposed to firearms when my family bought a farm. I never thought of owning one until then. I never thought of being a gangster as study and work is more logical, when you have the Living Wages Case we do in Australia - something yanks have been demanding we undo as it doesn't shovel wealth up the ladder. They always invent faux moral arguments to justify that. Really, I recommend you adopt that court ruling.

Culture again: in Australia and New Zealand good hunting is one bullet one animal, not five bullets one animal. I've used semi-automatic and don't mind it. I don't care if a magazine has 30 rounds. I don't want the firearm represented by those buses above (if you have a metals manufacturing background, look up an animated schematic of how it works, if not, just ask New Zealand hunters about what they derisively call the "AK15" - and they only allowed the long barrel edition!). In the civilised world 'the more the hype the less the substance' is clearly understood. The yank pretend education system leaves its victims susceptible to marketing. That piece of junk has the weight of marketing behind it, so much that I can almost hear them praying I will love that firearm. I won't. I don't want one.

Riddle this: Beretta sell the CX4 in 9mm and .40, in 9mm it can take heavy 135gn projectiles. Both are cheaper than .3030. If your range is 100m show me the animal a .3030 can knock down but a .40 can't. Almost everyone I spoke to who spent time over there talked of marketing and the .3030, when 9mm and .40 are cheaper to run.

Personally I would prefer knurled aluminium or carbon fibre to polymer and an upped twist rate but, swings and roundabouts, some may disagree.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2022 02:53PM

My reply was to p_j and he obviously doesn't understand the role that systematic racism plays in the black inner city culture, he just runs with the notion that that's just the way those black kids are by nature, choosing not to acknowledge how centuries of slavery, jim crow, exploitation, segregation, and being treated like 3rd class citizens shaped that culture - I remember the lunch counters, the fire hoses, the George Wallaces. He also appears to believe that all homeless people choose to be that way and are addicts though many if not most became homeless by simple bad luck and argues with my point that most of folks have more in common with the homeless and closer to joining their ranks than we are becoming rich, even with hard work, by talking about his brother who I'd guess had a start in life that was very much in common with his own. He basically outs himself as a white supremacist while I'm the guy that gets told I'm hateful for having empathy for folks less fortunate than myself. Fuck your white supremacist bullshit.
pro_junior Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2022 08:46PM

another bullshit word salad.
I said MOST people are homeless by choice, not ALL. Learn how to fucking read.
In the USA blacks make up less than 13% of the population and commit over 50% of the robberies, violent crimes, and murders.
Pointing out those statistics doesn't make me a white supremacist it just means I'm minimally observant.
It's hard for me to comprehend how someone can be so full of shit as you are.
quasi Report This Comment
Date: July 22, 2022 10:29PM

Is your white hood and robe back from the cleaners yet, p_j? You talk about the problem without recognizing how it arose, Mr. superior man, home & multiple vehicle owning special person.